TJ Higgins - 2022-06-11

Just got back from the funeral in Huntsville.
Got to meet both his brothers, his sister and his daughter.
He was the oldest child and it is a great loss to his dad who was there and the rest of the family.
Also got to meet David who posted the original note about T.J.'s accident.
Both his brothers are riders and I told them I would take the program with T.J.'s picture with me to Newfoundland in his memory.
I also got to spend a little time with his nephew (who is a dirt rider) and we talked about various riding things.
John (Nashcat), Andy(Aldntn) and Faye(his lovely wife) were also there as John rode down with me.
Man these are hard to read.
Yeah it's been pretty tough for me too having gone to two riding friend's funerals in two weeks.
It makes you realize that life is short and we have no idea when our day will come.
So we should cherish each day as a gift, enjoy it as much as we can and love the people around us while we are still here to do it.
Yeah it's been pretty tough for me too having gone to two riding friend's funerals in two weeks.
It makes you realize that life is short and we have no idea when our day will come.
So we should cherish each day as a gift, enjoy it as much as we can and love the people around us while we are still here to do it.

Wiser words have never been spoken UP

Y'all stay safe out there!
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