• Start with a City beginning with A
    • This is BY STATE
    • Similar to the Tag contest, there will be one thread per state
    • Post a picture of your bike AND some sign, building etc which clearly shows the city/state you're in
    • The next person posts from a city with the name beginning with B, then C, D, etc
    • You can't posts back-to-back pics, you have to wait for a person to post the next city
    • Once Z is reached, the game starts over with A
    • If your state doesn't have a city beginning with the next letter in sequence, it's okay to skip that letter
    • If the location sits for more than one month, the person that posted that is open to move it to the next letter.

    The World Wide game is a bit different as it is by whatever is considered a geographic type of regional category, state/province/village etc. and all those will be in the single World Wide A-Z topic.

WI: A to Z (Round 5)


If you can't read it, that's ZENDA. With other stuff, I had a 253 mile round-trip day.
I can post a zoomed-in picture of the town's name.

I was out running errands and exploring state parks and remembered that we were on 'Z'. I looked for towns starting with 'Z' and found this one. It was 1.75 - 2.0 hours from where I was, so I went.

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If you can't read it, that's ZENDA. With other stuff, I had a 253 mile round-trip day.
I can post a zoomed-in picture of the town's name.

I was out running errands and exploring state parks and remembered that we were on 'Z'. I looked for towns starting with 'Z' and found this one. It was 1.75 - 2.0 hours from where I was, so I went.

looks good to me..
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