ok it's official, I'm an idiot, Bike fell over, It was all my fault.

Aug 27, 2005
P.R.K. Peoples Republic Of Kalifornia
Not the way to finish off a ride, I was riding through Fort Hunter Ligget and as I was descending down towards PCH 1, I decided to take a break, I parked the bike off to the side of the road, it was on a slight down hill grade so I made sure the bike was in gear and gave it the ole, rock back and fourth and say, yah it will be all right?

My mistakes, first, I shouldn't have parked it where it was, I know better! I still can't believe I did it, second, the front tire was right on the edge of the road, I didn't notice it at the time, but after my post accident review, I realized it was, the bike was on the verge of rolling forward the whole time I was off it, but I never noticed .

After being off the bike for nearly ten minutes, I decided it was time to head out, I was walking back towards the bike and was about five feet away from it,when it just rolled forward and fell on it's side, I stood there in shock for a minute not believing what I had just witnessed, then I realized, how am I going to pick this thing up? it was facing down hill, the front of the bike had rolled off the road so it was now about another 6" lower than the rest of the bike , and now I discovered, that either the bike was never in gear as I thought, or it was knocked in neutral as it fell, the rubber pad on the shifter was torn, so it had hit the road??

OK now I have to pick it up, Note: Brains not working yet. first problem, I couldn't get it in gear, second problem, I needed both hands on the left side of the bike, to even try to get the leverage to pick it up, so I had no way of preventing it from rolling forward as soon as I got it off the ground, Ok here it goes, ,my adrenalin is still pumping so lets see what happens? first try, NO WAY!! Crap I yell! maybe some one will come along and help me. but no one did, I tried it again, but by this time my adrenalin was back to a normal level, so there was no way, I'm screwed! so them my brain started working , well some what, I remembered I have zip ties in my saddle bag, I'll Zip tie my brake lever to keep it from rolling forward and then maybe I can pick it up? only problem is the zip ties were in the left saddle bag which I couldn't get open since it was on the ground, screw it, I'm going to try it again, I get it about half way up and this time I am able to keep it from rolling forward, hey wait, there's a car coming, great, woo hoo they'll help me, I just need to hold it here till they jump out run over and give me a hand, I'm saved!! Beep Beep and a wave as they blow by me? ***** @#$%@!# I yell out as they pass by, but I wasn't able to give them the finger because I was still trying to get the bike up, but I was determined to either pick the thing up, orrr? help it finish it's little ride without me and let it roll over the cliff so I could buy the beautiful Police model ST1300P that I had been lusting over in the ST forums for sale section? but no new bike for me, I did manage to get it up. and honestly, the thought of letting it go over the cliff so I could get the new police bike didn't come to me until after I had got it up, Damm, brains still not working, I couldn't just push it over, I dont want to commit insurance fraud, but if it was to accidentally roll over while I was trying to get it up and I narrowly avoided going over the cliff with it, well that would be different.

Bikes damage, left mirror smashed, left mirror housing cracked, left bar end scratched, left crash bar cover damaged, a couple small scratches on the side and front fairing where the mirror housing popped off and scratched them, and some small scratches to left saddle bag cover.

I need to replace the mirror and housing, the rest can wait, as my dad says, the little scratches just add patina.

Seeing how the mirror is about $90 bucks, I was thinking about just buying both left and right Multi View mirrors and just installing that over the broken one as well as the right? any thoughts? I've never seen the Multi view mirrors.

My USAA (they rock!) ins deductible is $250 they would take care of all of it, it would be nice to replace all fairings and saddle bag cover too, but I just dont want a claim on my record, it wouldn't affect my rates, but who knows what will be next, I do have two young daughters 18 and 21 also on my insurance, I may want to save my claims for more major things.

looking for parts if any one is parting out a ST13
.......the front tire was right on the edge of the road............the front of the bike had rolled off the road so it was now about another 6' lower than the rest of the bike.........

I don't normally park with my bike that close to anything with over a 6 foot drop next to it....... :shock::shock: :shock::shock:

Sorry....:D....glad it wasn't worse. Bummer that the car didn't stop but with the bike halfway up, they may not have realized what was going on.....
I don't normally park with my bike that close to anything with over a 6 foot drop next to it....... :shock::shock: :shock::shock:

Sorry....:D....glad it wasn't worse. Bummer that the car didn't stop but with the bike halfway up, they may not have realized what was going on.....

Typo, 6" and I normally never park with my bike like this, guess it was just a brain fart.
Typo, 6" and I normally never park with my bike like this, guess it was just a brain fart.

It happens to us all.......at last year's CreSToc, I was down visiting the campers late one night. I double checked that the ground was firm for the kickstand but I guess not good enough. About 15-20 minutes later, we all heard an unusual "thump" and saw something small and grey running across the campground. Thinking it was an animal, I cautiously approached, following it with my flashlight. A second later I realized that the grey "animal" was my helmet. The next second, I realized my bike laying on it's side. :doh1:

I like to think of it as "very talented tipovers" considering that we both weren't near our bikes when it happened. We're raising the bar, baby!!! :D:D :D:D
Sorry to hear about your 'drop'. As Solo said, 'it happens to all of us'. Luckily mine happened in my carpeted garage. :eek:: Your story sounds like your event was ALOT more harrowing!
Take heart. You've got a lot of company. It doesn't take more than a momentary lapse for something like that to happen.

Sorry to here about the drop. I know that spot over looking the ocean as I have stopped there numerous times but always facing uphill. That stinks the car would not stop and give you a hand getting it back up. Well I hope your pride was not hurt to much as stuff happens. Take care.

Last year I stopped to top ofdf my tank 160 miles from my house and ended up at NatSTOC with my bike held together with duct tape. It happens
Posted via Mobile Device
I found out that autoparts stores sell a replacement mirror that you cut with scissors to fit. It isn't a great mirror- but it will get you by until you get one made or whatever.

It can help you finish a trip for sure! DAMHIK!
Yes most of us have done similar things and had problems.
Me I parked up hill on a hill that was so steep when I came to try and get the bike off the centre stand (yes there's that dumb moment) I couldn't. So now try to imagine trying to pivot the bike round to face downhill on the centre stand then once you achieve a downhill direction the centre stand goes up and you end up trying to mount a rolling bike that's increasing speed at an alarming rate because it's ladened with camping gear. Knowing that if you apply the front brake whilst it's leaning at such an accute stupid angle it's going to slide over. I don't have to imagine. I must have looked like a complete idiot. :eek::;)
Carpeted garage??? *****!!!


I only have a one car garage and both bikes go in there..screw the cars. Anyway last year they replaced the clubhouse carpeting and I asked them for a 12X18 piece which they delivered to my garage gratis. I now have a industrial strength carpeted garage with a few stains on it from people dropping things on it. Hey the price was right and it looks nice. My wife wants to know why I take the hoover out to the garage. Okay Terry no remarks I already see them coming!!:D:D
I only have a one car garage and both bikes go in there..screw the cars. Anyway last year they replaced the clubhouse carpeting and I asked them for a 12X18 piece which they delivered to my garage gratis. I now have a industrial strength carpeted garage with a few stains on it from people dropping things on it. Hey the price was right and it looks nice. My wife wants to know why I take the hoover out to the garage. Okay Terry no remarks I already see them coming!!:D:D

Actually a carpeted garage sounds like a great idea! Especially if you only have bikes (or maybe a golf cart? :D) in it.
One of those parking "What the Heck" moments happened to me several years ago (I learned something from it) when I rode up to Santa Barbara with some friends. We parked at a litte store and the parking lot was not level. I parked (much like you did) in a just plain dumb spot that could not support the bike ... the bike was nearly upright anyway because I parked on a slope .... like a dope.

Anyway I just barely got off of the bike and it fell right over. My friends were off their bikes so we popped it right back up but my ego was still on the ground. That was my full dress BMW and fortunately it only suffered one scratch on the mirror housing. I take that stuff real personal so instead of brushing it off I let it get to me all day. Really great riding day too ....

It's cool. It happens.
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