Out Of The Saddle For A While ... Again!

Uncle Phil

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Feb 26, 2007
In The Holler West Of Nashville, Tennessee
4 ST1100(s)
2024 Miles
Well, tomorrow I go in to have an outpatient arthroscopy on my left knee (not the right one that just got replaced). I guess since the right knee has been getting all the attention, the left knee got jealous. It appears that I have done some serious cartilage tearing and old Arthur R. Itis has moved himself in also. Arthur seems to be a faithful companion to me, but he sure ain't much company! If this follows my past experience with arthroscopy, the recovery/therapy will be shorter than what I just went through. Ah, the drill I know too well - scope and dope! Anyway, I will still be at the Mansfield RTE, but I may be on the quadricycle ... ;-) I reckon I'll see y'all on the other side!


***UPDATED 4/19/2010***

Well, got back home yesterday evening in a less than a cognizant state. I ate a little homemade veggie soup I put in the crock pot before I left, popped a couple of 'happy pills', and sat down in the recliner - boy did the lights go out quick! Now I just got to keep the knee propped up and behave myself. I had a big chunk of 'particulate debris' floating around in there besides the tears and the arthritis - which is sort of what I thought. (My doc always gives me before and after pictures) Just taking my 'happy pills', laying around, and trying to be good - the first two being much easier to do than the last one ... Thanks for all of the kind thoughts and prayers!
When I first saw you at Moonshine, with your ultra fancy staff, I though maybe you were going to do some Fred Astaire for us. :D

Here's wishing all the best. Should be a little easier than a knee repalcement. Keep us posted.
Sorry bout that UP ... Good luck tomorrow, and prayers are with you. I hope all goes GREAT !
Looking forward to seeing you in Mansfield.

Get Better NOW :sick1:

When I first started reading I thought OH NO he won't be at the Mansfield RTE and I wanted to meet him, but then as I read I found out I was wrong. I'll only make it if I can ride the bike. So as long as there is no snow I'll be there. Hope you heal real quick, I'll say a pray for you.
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Sorry to hear about your surgery. Glad it's just a scope! I've been there done that also! If we ever meet ,we can compare all our battle scars. Best of luck to you!
Good luck! I missed talking with you at Moonshine. I was standing a couple places in front of you at Richard's Farm in the food line. You had an endless line of people going up to you and I got distracted by yummy vittles. I was the very large guy a couple places in front of you (Oh wait, I just described half the riders there!)

We'll meet eventually. Until then, take care, good luck, and heal quickly!

Uncy Phil, there won't be anything left of the original at this rate!

Hope you bounce back in record time.
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