Yet another tip over and right before moonshine


Oct 20, 2010
NE Ohio
2004 ST 1300
The wife and I just got back to Ohio from S. Carolina. We only had a four day weekend and she did not want to ride 600 miles down, do two days of riding there and another 600 back. So we trailered the bike down and back. I was unloading the bike by myself after having already loaded and unloaded several times in the last four days and unloading tonight for the final time I dropped the bike off of the ramp. Lower cowl on the right side will need replaced. I'm leaving for Moonshine (no trailering) on Thursday and I'm meeting up with another St owner and riding (no wife). So duct tape was used to hold the plastic together. And wouldn't you know the only duct tape I could find around home was the bright green. I know I have a few rolls of gray or black around somewhere. Oh well at least the bike is rideable.:(
Well today I have back, neck and shoulder pain on the right side. That is the way the bike went and I tried to hold it up. Needless to say I couldn't and went down with the bike. Fourtunately the back of the trailer was only about eight inches off of the ground and it was grass where I landed. If it had not been for the lower plastic hitting the ramp I probably would have had very little to no damage.
Ach...! Sorry to hear of your mishap, Aaron, that bites! As you said, at least the bike is rideable so not so bad, all in all.
I'm more concerned, though, about this neck/back/shoulder pain you speak of. Hope you didn't do any damage other than straining all those muscles trying to hold up the bike (and yourself). Listen to your body and take care!!

The bike ain't worth the pain... just let it fall if it's gone past that point of too much effort... I'd rather replace some plastic than have a knee/back/arm/neck/etc issue..

Take some alieve and see how you feel later. At least you'll be easy to spot riding in to casey w/green tape...
That looks like a bridge! Understand the side supports are for feet on the way up/down; is there anything underneath to help support the span from trailer to ground or are the ramps themselves structurally sound enough to hold everything/body in place during transit? They look light but then again, engineering and materials can overcome a lot! Hope you're not too sore. Got any pics of the tape/repair for identification purposes? :)
That sucks !!! Hope your not too sore to ride to moonshine. Was the bike full of gas? I try to have mine almost empty when I have to load & unload it. It seems a little easier to handle(less weight) and don't forget to take panniers off. Just in case things go bad. Like Mellow said plastic is cheap compared to personal injury.
See ya at Moonshine.
Well you can look for the bright green duct tape down low on the right side. There is a hole clear through, I should have taken a picture before the tape. What appears to be damage to the tip over wing is just mud/dirt. No damage there.


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....and on a positive note...if you had to choose ONE piece of plastic to break on the ST....that's the piece to's dead simple to replace. =)
A little rattle can flat black and NO ONE will see it . Glad you are fine, and hope the aches go away with some Aleave. Drive safe!
No, but apparently some of the wives of ST-Owners =D

If it was me alone I would have rode to SC, but the longest ride the wife has done on the back of the ST is about 500 miles. That is about her limit, I would rather ride with her than without her so trailering the back down and back was a good trade off.
I think you can buy that part without the heatshield and use yours for less $$$$
I think it's around $75 instead of $195
Not that this helps now but when my wife and I go on long trips I ride the big distance to the area we are going to and she flies. This works great as she is still eager to ride were if we rode 3 8 hour days she would have had enough by then. This gives both of us a great vacation.

I think you can buy that part without the heatshield and use yours for less $$$$
I think it's around $75 instead of $195
I was looking online and found two different prices, that explains the difference. Thanks
Not that this helps now but when my wife and I go on long trips I ride the big distance to the area we are going to and she flies. This works great as she is still eager to ride were if we rode 3 8 hour days she would have had enough by then. This gives both of us a great vacation.

That is a great idea, we would have made a longer trip of it but she teaches school and getting time off during the school year is next to impossible. So we take our longer trips in the summer.
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