Post RideForCambodia...SEA ride continues

Joe, Cool vdo fun, the Golden Dome is Casino built and owner is Chinese in Laos side of Golden Triangle.
It sure looks like the Boyz took a walk on the WildSide. ;)

Speaking of WildSide, here is a crossing we made today. Video in the pipe.

Droid S3 & TT2

Video of a custom which looks like a shop owner shake-down? This went on all day in Chiang Rai. Pics of our Garden House abode and "hat day" at the markeet.
Todays ride was leisurely and mostly off the pavement through small villages...
Where we met bird poachers...
to a waterfall

At the end of this day ride we took the waters Pha Soet hot springs then a cool drinks at May's coffee and shake hut.

I'm ready to ride out in search of a relaxing Thai massage.

Droid S3 & TT2
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Thanks guys!
Here is an outdoor and public place of prayer in the heart of Chiang Rai at a busy intersection. Its a nice night to kneel and get humble. I expressed my gladitude for the chance to visit places like this where things are done differently and folks smile a lot.

Droid S3 & TT2
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Single lane bridge crossing of the Mae Kok river northwest of Chiang Rai, Thailand. The bridge was a little shaky (si-goggle wise) and even more so with all three bikes on it, so we allowed plenty of space between bikes. We caught a local scooter coming across two-up so that gave us some relief as to the load bearing capacity.
WOW!!! That bridge looked pretty sketchy! Besides the questionable planks with lots of repairs visible, those railings looked nearly useless! I'm guessing a bit of a raised heartbeat while crossing it?
WOW!!! That bridge looked pretty sketchy! Besides the questionable planks with lots of repairs visible, those railings looked nearly useless! I'm guessing a bit of a raised heartbeat while crossing it?

Heart was OK but something pinched a hole in the seat of my CRF2fiddy......:D
WOW!!! That bridge looked pretty sketchy! Besides the questionable planks with lots of repairs visible, those railings looked nearly useless! I'm guessing a bit of a raised heartbeat while crossing it?

Well, some of the commentary during the video needed to be cut out as it was not G rated as prescribed by the standards herein. We did experience a thrill dangling above the Mae Kok river but as one of the missing comments notes "This is what we came for" so there was no getting around that bridge, as rickety as it was. It did start to oscillate pretty good which promted our stopping on it until it steadied.

As always, the full experience could not be captured by either GoPro.
We reversed Smash's GoPro on my helmet for the second crossing and that footage is in the pipe.
Thanks for coming along here.

Droid S3 & TT2
"This is what we came for" so there was no getting around that bridge, as rickety as it was.

I completely agree! If I were there the good judgement and common sense would have to take a back seat, that is a time to go with the flow and live for the moment! Obviously exactly what you are doing!

Thanks for sharing the trip!
Boy, you guys look like you're having a blast.

You'd love it, Tony... all except the occasional squat toilet and the showerhead pointing directly at the crapper. ;)

We had a great ride on mountain backroads right up to the Laos border.
Late in the day, a rare dry season shower slicked up the road pretty good and caused my rear to break free a few times on decel in the tight downhill twisties.
George didn't fair as well as he lowsided into a ditch. He's OK and in good humor with a few rasberries.
A car skid and a scooter lowsided as we were getting George sorted.
It was really slick.
Droid S3 & TT2
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Just watched the river crossing. Was alone in the house, yelling, cheering you guys on! For me (someone who does not like riding off pavement) it was amazing watching you go over that rickety bridge. For you, it was probably all in a day's riding!
I'm thrilled you are enjoying the ride along with us, but don't think for a minute that our heart rates didn't spike during some of this stuff, especially that bridge. We did walk it for inspection first and determined that its appearance of danger out paced what actually resembled Coney Island Roller Coaster construction. As if it's rickityness and loose plank noise was designed in to increase thrill factors. :)

A haunted house or fun house at an ammusment park is another analogy.
At least this is what we told ourselves in order to be able to attempt to cross. Of course, watching a two up scooter with flip flops and no helmets come across with bored looks on their faces and all feet up on the pegs helped too. :)

There are about three dozen videos waiting to be edited, some still show this crossing. Since I don't know when I'll get to learning Windows Movie Maker to accomplish this, I may post the short raw videos that I know would be entertaining as is.

As always, thanks for the feedback.

Droid S3 & TT2
Sounds like you guys have a thrilled rode out to Da border of my homeland, did you guys just there to visa in/out to extended your staying in Thailand? Glad y-all safe and sounds, what's next for this new morning/day? squat toilet :D that's real adventure Danny :D
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