Knock Knock!

If you sell it reverse the cylinder head covers.....they are on the wrong side. The left side one is on the right side and probably vice versa.
That sounds completely normal, and typical when loading it at low rpm. Consider than at 900 rpm you're getting only 15 rotations per second. The cylinder firing will be easily felt, as will the vibs as the clutch pads slip past each other, and this will vibrate the drive train with high amplitude movements. It is completely reasonable for the drive train to be rattling (loading and unloading) a bit.

And to Dons point, yes, if it does have a failing u-joint, this test could produce some rattle as the u-joint slop responds to the vibrations (even when lightly loaded).
:rofl1: Mr. dduelin may have spotted something important! If the cylinder head covers are on backwards and upside down, then there is NOTHING holding them down to the 3 contact points that they mount to!
The two front claws are suppose to be attached to the rubber grommets, and the rear grommet plugs onto a post, If they are loose, and mounted incorrectly like Mr. DD was kind enough to point out, then they may be rattling against something causing this noise.
That sounds completely normal, and typical when loading it at low rpm. Consider than at 900 rpm you're getting only 15 rotations per second. The cylinder firing will be easily felt, as will the vibs as the clutch pads slip past each other, and this will vibrate the drive train with high amplitude movements. It is completely reasonable for the drive train to be rattling (loading and unloading) a bit.

And to Dons point, yes, if it does have a failing u-joint, this test could produce some rattle as the u-joint slop responds to the vibrations (even when lightly loaded).

Thanks John. I suppose I have to accept it may be I just cant gel with this bike. I will say though that the knock I feel and hear is much lower in frequency than 15rps, maybe 2 per second.
Regarding the covers. I reckon he's pulling my leg. :) Could be that engine sides are defined looking from front. I of course meant from the saddle, lol etc. ;)

:rofl1: Mr. dduelin may have spotted something important! If the cylinder head covers are on backwards and upside down, then there is NOTHING holding them down to the 3 contact points that they mount to!
The two front claws are suppose to be attached to the rubber grommets, and the rear grommet plugs onto a post, If they are loose, and mounted incorrectly like Mr. DD was kind enough to point out, then they may be rattling against something causing this noise.

Think I've just wet myself... just a bit. ;)
Agree with billo. The 'HONDA' should be right-side-up when looking at the bike from the right side, and the A in HONDA should be facing forward. There are some black fins just in front of the A, which you can see in the video. The camera was upside down...
There is a par reed valve under the covers could it be that? From your video I do not hear anything that unusual. I am sure if you where sitting on the engine of your car you would hear a few unusual noises. Try a car stethoscope to locate the origin of any noise.
And to Dons point, yes, if it does have a failing u-joint, this test could produce some rattle as the u-joint slop responds to the vibrations (even when lightly loaded).

I see your point, I hadn't thought of that. However, it still seems to me that even though the entire drive train between the clutch and rear wheel is lightly loaded, there wouldn't be any reason for anything to emanate any sound as long as nothing is rotating.
It sounds like my bike did when I bought it with 26k on it. I could feel a bit of a knock through the bars at idle, most pronounced with the clutch out in neutral but it was still there a bit with the clutch pulled in. Now with 111k miles on it it has gotten louder but still sounds about the same. I have had a few people ask me what is wrong with it...and I just reply "nothing". I think part of the reason we hear this sound so clearly is because our bikes are so quiet, even soft normal sounds seem loud.
It sounds like my bike did when I bought it with 26k on it. I could feel a bit of a knock through the bars at idle, most pronounced with the clutch out in neutral but it was still there a bit with the clutch pulled in. Now with 111k miles on it it has gotten louder but still sounds about the same. I have had a few people ask me what is wrong with it...and I just reply "nothing". I think part of the reason we hear this sound so clearly is because our bikes are so quiet, even soft normal sounds seem loud.

Thanks, appreciated very much indeed. Despite my fears I really like the bike, but whatever this is worries me.
Glad its not just me. Having said that, it could just be me and you. ;)
Thought it may be the fairing at first, channelling/amplifying sounds you wouldn't normally hear.
Blackbird doesn't do it though. The knock I feel seems out of rhythm as well.
Not even, and quite low in pitch and frequency. Not a vibration, if you know what I mean.
Definitely a knock.

If she were a car she'd be homeless by now. :)

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I went for a ride this weekend and could easily replicate the sound you are hearing by putting my bike underload a low rpm. This is probably in the clutch and may be the clutch. So don't worry so much just ride!!
I hear a thunp thimp thuimp thiump... sounds normal to me for this bike. Once you are rolling you won't hear it.

Go ride!
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