Pressure Washer

Feb 17, 2007
Venice, FL
WORX® HYDROSHOT Battery Powered Pressure Washer
When I first saw the WORX pressure washer advertised I coveted one. It seemed to be the answer for our “no car washing” situation here in Florida (no hoses allowed) as well as our place in Pennsylvania. It seemed ideal for cleaning the motorbike as well as addressing dirt and moss on out patios.
I am always skeptical of the “As seen on TV” products- “But wait…. there’s more!”. At a model airplane event in the middle of nowhere, PA (Drums…. you could look it up), a friend was using one to clean the grill and kitchen area. It looked to be doing a good job, so I asked about it. He raved! I watched for a bit more and decided that I should have one.
I bought the basic model from Amazon, although they appear on from time to time, in either the fancier (more accessories) mode or about $20.00 cheaper.
Mine arrived and I unboxed it and got ready for a “test drive”. The basic model includes a fitting that utilizes and 2-liter pop bottle as a source for liquid, as well as a 10-foot hose that has a filter on the end. The tip is adjustable to four settings and there is a single 20V battery with charger included (extra WORX batteries are $45.00 but eBay has them for around half that).
The HYDROSHOT works like a champion! Not huge high pressure, but plenty enough to get bugs off the bike, as well as lift some scaling paint of the porch! I tried the longer hose stuck in a pail and it works great as well… there seems to be no loss of pressure when using the pail.
In short, I am happy as if I had sense with the HYDROSHOT!
Interesting. Whose batteries does it use? What I mean is, do Makita or DeWalt, etc. cordless tool batteries fit the tool? Or do you have to use their branded batteries?

I would still be careful aiming this thing at axles, brake calipers, bearings, seals etc. on the bike. I feel a lot more comfortable using a garden hose on spray and I let the water fall like rain after I sponge (car wash soap) the bike.
I feel a lot more comfortable using a garden hose on spray and I let the water fall like rain after I sponge (car wash soap) the bike.

I don't even use a hose. Just a bucket of warm water and car wash liquid, a clean facecloth that the wife has decided is too old, wipe/wash off the bugs and dirt in small sections, rinsing the cloth often and dry said sections with a clean towel immediately. Yellow carnauba wax applied once or twice a season, depending on miles ridden. People still ask if that's a new bike.
I don't even use a hose. Just a bucket of warm water and car wash liquid, a clean facecloth that the wife has decided is too old, wipe/wash off the bugs and dirt in small sections, rinsing the cloth often and dry said sections with a clean towel immediately. Yellow carnauba wax applied once or twice a season, depending on miles ridden. People still ask if that's a new bike.

Agreed. Actually, just a soaking wet towel, and minor elbow grease, will dissolve all your bugs.
Agreed. Actually, just a soaking wet towel, and minor elbow grease, will dissolve all your bugs.
I don't even use elbow grease. I soak an old towel (big towel) in warm soapy water, and then drape it across the windshield & front of the motorcycle. About an hour later, I remove the towel and hose off the bug guts. No scrubbing required.

I do the same with the visor on my helmet - just put a facecloth that has been soaked in hot water over the visor, and leave it for 30 minutes or so. The bugs then come right off without needing to rub, and I don't get scratches in the visor.

Wash? Hmmm...maybe my mpg would go up if I did wash it more often! I plan to give the calipers and such a good scrub down this winter during the down season maintenance period; maybe a wash and wax are in the realm of possibility too!
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