I Need The Other Half of This


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Sep 15, 2006
South Carolina
2007 ST1300A
I put a headlight screen/sheild on my ST1300 when I first got it in 2007. A couple of years ago, when I took the shield off, the little velcro things came off the shield. What I will call "the male part" is still attached to the headlights but the other part on the shield came off. I would like to get it reattached.

Anyone got a source for the velcro like things?


+1, get the 3M dual lock... that stuff is pretty amazing.
Contact Aeroflow? They recommend the 400-count (what you have) with the 250-count on the other side for the strongest hold.
I did not think of contacting Aeroflow.
From Aeroflow;
"Dual-Lok circles, squares or strips are available from AeroFlow, please call us to place an order."

3M recommends that Dual-Lok not be used or subjected to any stress for 24 hours after application. There is a curing process that takes place during this period, which greatly improves the bond.
Last edited:
Dual-Lok circles, squares or strips are available from AeroFlow, please call us to place an order.

3M recommends that Dual-Lok not be used or subjected to any stress for 24 hours after application. There is a curing process that takes place during this period, which greatly improves the bond.

Email has been sent to AeroFlow.
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