Im leaving boston

More interesting south of route 20. No where is a way better plan. Head for the rolling hills and lakes.
Rt 20 got a lot better after i left buffalo. My gps has skirted me around some towns which, of course, get me into farm country. It is my conclusion that, after passing literally hundreds of cow farms, new york cowshit smells the best!
I got back to boston a few days ago to a work mess! Oh well!
It was a great trip and now i have to adjust back to the life that provides tripping opportunities!
Lost three hats and a cooler, and broke a mirror!
Had to break out the tool kit once as my pos cable loostened up and had to tighten it. Kinda felt like a harley guy for a minute! Not one flat, which was a refresher since last year, i ended up w five plugs in the rear before the sidewall blew.
So, the bike is as dirty as its ever been. Gotta fix that!
Slept two days when i returned. I was very tired from my intense vacationing!
I drank almost two gallons of water and juice when i got home, so i have to pay much closer attention to hydration on the next trip. I was pretty dumb in that respect. I dont like the taste of water, so ill have to find a way to flavor it next time.
Hit all of the weather. After getting whacked in between the eyes with a chunk of hail, rain doesnt seem that bad! Seems the two trips ive done, ive spent a couple of days in motels holed up due to snow or hail or something.
I did a bunch of natl parks, but really loved the roads less traveled the most. Being where there was no water, cell, dollar stores, gas stations was home to me. Cant wait to b there again!
So, gonna get to work and prep for a fall trip. Im thinking late august or early sept across the top of the us until the temps drive me south. I have a babystiiing committment in pagosa for sept 15 that id like to keep!
My deepest thanks to all that followed, suggested and cracked wise while i was traveling.
Special thanks to fergie for 2C77147F-C356-4B36-98C8-8ADB0A66C699.jpeg586C3088-B704-4FE3-8F65-581EBC54B738.jpegD22CDAF8-2412-4952-87A1-004821AB3AEF.jpeg65C9F118-2F2D-415E-9637-9FD26E5DF889.jpeg9C3216B8-DE70-462F-9911-0521B2DFF315.jpeg45093816-5EEC-4D48-9CDB-843DAA957A39.jpegE36DFC89-710F-4F37-814B-61F65CB8418B.jpegFB652A08-96A9-468B-8F62-A7EBABE2896C.jpegF8442D22-3DD9-4184-B3C1-85B956966CE3.jpeg175E8E9D-A416-4C7B-BE9B-9550EB6E0722.jpegthe meridian meet!
I'm another who enjoyed your ride.

I don't know if you did this, but on my long-distance trips, I would wear a Camelback for hydration. You can find electrolyte packets at REI, and maybe in a flavor that you'd like. My daughter and S-I-L sent me a few for Christmas a few years ago, and I need to track them down.
I added a cup holder to the Wing, but still plan on the Camelback when I set out for Oregon, later this month.

It was fun to follow you michael.

How many miles have you done ?

I guess you'll need new tires soon and an oil change.

Very glad you made it without any big problem.
New tires right before i left! Not a single
I did about 9700 mi. I laugh because it took me 4500 to go 2200 to my kids house!
The trip went like buttah!

Thanks for your
Support and comments. Could have used a few
More jokes tho!
I'm another who enjoyed your ride.

I don't know if you did this, but on my long-distance trips, I would wear a Camelback for hydration. You can find electrolyte packets at REI, and maybe in a flavor that you'd like. My daughter and S-I-L sent me a few for Christmas a few years ago, and I need to track them down.
I added a cup holder to the Wing, but still plan on the Camelback when I set out for Oregon, later this month.

Yea, i have to make a change. When im home, i mix water
W citrus. Gonna look at everything this summer. My kid recommends a camelback too.
I think what I also enjoyed was the sense of wonder and discovery that came through clearly in your posts. I look forward to reading about the fall trip.
Been in boston for years and thought id seen everything. I was completely wrong. This country gets beautiful everywhere. I did not know that.
Im not sure. I have three things id like to get done. Medina stoc, a friend in nm for a day and meeting my new grand daughter in pagosa springs. Even tho that is the order things will b, the kid is the top! After that, its about the $$
I am unaware of the hundreds and dozens but thank you for enlarging my ego, which really, really is a bad idea!
Ive been pondering montana as i am riding today, but the days ride is pretty much determined ofer coffee in the morning.
also, i get a little choked up when i think of all the advice ive recieved freely from stowners group and new england touring club. Without u guys, id b twice the bumbling fool than i am now, and i do apperciate it and hope to pass on what you all have taught me.
"Stowners", Classic!
It is a warning to the drivers of large vehicles who might have difficulty negotiating the turns due to their length. In the picture you can see what looks like a road or a turn-around area leading off to the left. I presume that the sign was placed so far ahead and at this location because this spot would be the last opportunity for the driver of a large truck to turn off or turn around if they determined that carrying on would not be a good idea. Signs like this placed miles before the trouble spot are common in North America in areas where large or oversize trucks and campers could have difficulty navigating very small radius turns.
correct. last turnaround if road closed to snow (notice the gates) and for those whose vehicles aren't likely to make it.
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