'82/'83 Honda AF 01/NH 50 MD LEAD


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Dec 4, 2012
Vienna, AuSTria
ST1100Y, ST1100R
A new assignment came in ...

... "can you fix it?" ...


damn that thing is tiny... ;)

Already took it apart, overall quite a solid construction though...

Finding new brake cables (drums front and rear) turns out a bit challenging...
Hope I can locate some from other MFGs that'll fit...

... thanx to the SOHC brethren in UK I might have gotten the solution for all Bowden worries...

Alright, started with the tear-down... ;)


And putting Moly Gn-plus on the drive-splines :biggrin:

You look a lot like my grandfather (who died almost 50 years ago). When I was restoring a basket case Moto Guzzi about 30 years ago, my buddy insisted that I change the carbs. The OEM cables would not work with the new carbs, so I searched and found a company that sold cables, ferrules, sheaths, and various shaped end blocks as well as adjusters in various sizes*. I made up my own cables and they worked great. If the company you located does not come through with a solution for you, might doing what I did be a possiblity?

*IIRC, they sold different sized cables that would work with carbs, brakes, even clutches. Sorry, I have no idea what company that was.
You look a lot like my grandfather...
Ouch... :biggrin:
The OEM cables would not work with the new carbs, so I searched and found a company that sold cables, ferrules, sheaths, and various shaped end blocks as well as adjusters in various sizes.
One of the things the I-net makes easier these days...
The company mentioned do sell components and throttle cables are rather "easy" to recreate as there isn't much strain on them, for brake cables I'd rather have their crimp hydraulics at work...
The Honda ones are designed quite smart, rubber seals and gators at the ends, additional tubing as abrasion protection, the rear line even with a nylon tube shielding from gravel hits...
We'll have to see how to reproduce this as good as possible to get it just as reliable...
Ha! Constant dripping hollows out a stone or so... ;)

Persistence payed off, managed to locate new, OEM style brake cables in UK for the 80cc version (never released in AuSTria), which, except the beefed up motor, was fully identical... :cool:
Bunch of parts arrived from all over Europe...

replacing the rear shock...


because "power needs control"... :biggrin:


and we have a runner...



after fixing up the carb the thing bleat to life... inclusive belching out a distinctive cloud... little skunk... :cool:
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