WoodSToc Aug 17-20, 2023 - Woodstock, NB

Almost there folks!

1 day thursday.jpg
And now the second fun day (including Fundy) is behind us. Yes, we made memories. A lot of good people got to ride together, and meet & eat! The event was topped off with a superb meal at an exceptional restaurant, followed by pie and beer at the home of our good friends, R&B. And to those who failed to trust Obo's ads, you could have / wood have, had a great time! Yes, we'll do this again - your second chance at WoodSToc'24 is only a year away...
Someone PM me or something to remind me of the 2024 event somehow I missed this
Check the Riding section of st-owners.com and then look at the Calendar.
Alternatively, schedule it to remind you on your phone... or maybe buy an old-fashioned paper monthly calendar, but don't forget to flip the page at the right times.
Me? I never miss a one. <cough!>
Ah yes, WoodSToc 2024... I'm thinking mid August again, 15th - 18th. Any comments? By that time, Obo will have his suspension perfectly suspended, and I'll have time to get any marginal road surfaces repaved! Most of us will be a year older, and the collective wisdom will see a vast increase. Or maybe its the level of senility that blossoms! That's when we don't care about what we don't know, I guess...
So unless someone has a better idea, that'll be the date! Maybe add an additional day, there's so much to see, and so many curves to master!
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