Is the ST1300 meter panel connector different on the Police vs. non-police models?

May 28, 2015
Bothell, WA and Surprise, AZ
2012 ST1300P ABS
I believe I read a post on the forum about the connectors being different on the Police vs. non-police models.

Does anyone have any first hand knowledge about this? I checked the parts diagrams and found there's a bunch of different part numbers for the meter panels depending on the year model.

They are all the same connectors for the meter panel. I used two cop meters on two non-cop bikes. (My 2010 & 2004#2)

The difference as far as controls go, the right side switch on the cop bikes have an extra plug, plus one wire to control 5 accessories.
Thanks very much for the information!

I have a police bike and I ended up with a spare meter panel from a non-police bike. I'm planning on sending the panel from my police bike to BlueGauges for a lighting upgrade and I wanted to know if i could use the non police meter panel while BlueGauges upgrades my police panel.

Short answer: Yes. Legal answer: don't advertise that it's not OG to the DMV. Not having the correct instrument cluster is illegal.

Well, the CA DMV never asked, I never told. I really never worried about it, since neither of the bikes (both wrecked) I installed them on, never had instrument clusters on them when I bought the bikes.
I would be surprised if they cared what instrument cluster is on any vehicle. They only care that the registered accumulated mileage is correct.
Some states even that is not a concern. When I moved to Florida and tagged the ST I told them the odometer didn't read the actual miles since it had rolled over. They said something like OK and title says "exceeds mileage". I've read California and Oregon also do that.
I'd be surprised if CA DMV cared about correct mileage at any other time than when the bike is sold. It's a criminal offense to set a speedo back for the purpose of misrepresenting the milage where that's a legal concern. I doubt legal body would care if I set the mileage ahead so I could collect a 50K or 100K award here. Fooling a buyer or insurance company into thinking it has fewer miles then it actually does would be a problem.

So swapping in a civilian set of meters while the factory set is at Blue Gauges seems like an ok thing to do.
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