Knee Pain

Aug 6, 2007
Grant, MN (aka Stillwater)
ST1100 & ST1300
I have been having issues with my Right Knee this year. After a ride much longer than 30 min I start to get knee pain. Also while sitting at work or where ever I can't cross that leg without pain in about 10 min. It pops quite a bit as well.

So I think I will have to go see the DR on this one. :( Since I have been dealing with it for a while now I think I will continue to do so until the snow flies. Once that happens the bike is typically parked for several months so it would be a good time to take care of any work that may put me down for a while.

About the best thing I can do to ease the issue on rides is to use my highway pegs for when it acts up.

Anyone else have any knee problems and ride?
Any knee injuries in your past? Just wondering what might be the cause.

My knees start to bother me after an hour but I don't have any highway pegs yet (I will hopefully have the hwy wings before spring). My problems didn't occur until two years into college at Purdue. I believe it was caused by too many 20 minute morning walks in -4 degrees and 25mph winds. I had a parka which came half way between my waist & knees and boots which were also half way to my knees. Since I only wore jeans, my knees got the worst of the cold.
Any knee injuries in your past? Just wondering what might be the cause.

My knees start to bother me after an hour but I don't have any highway pegs yet (I will hopefully have the hwy wings before spring). My problems didn't occur until two years into college at Purdue. I believe it was caused by too many 20 minute morning walks in -4 degrees and 25mph winds. I had a parka which came half way between my waist & knees and boots which were also half way to my knees. Since I only wore jeans, my knees got the worst of the cold.

No direct knee injuries. I spent 10.5 years in the US Army. 6 of it on Active Duty. Pretty much all of the 10.5 years in the Infantry. In that line of work it is pretty common to be running around the woods with 125lbs of crap. Of course my 6 years of AD was as OPFOR where we averaged 300 days a year in the field getting beat to crap. Over the course of my time in the military and service related treatment at the VA I have broken 17 bones and endured 5 operations. In the winter in Germany we would be doing 5 mile runs on those -4 days. Heck I even had frostbite a few times although we pretty much all had that in my unit a time or two. So I guess in the end I really can't be too shocked that I have knee pain even though I am only 32.
They can do some amazing things with knees these days... at your age there's probably just some scraping they need to do and you'll be okay in a couple weeks. My SO just had some major things fixed - her knee cap was on the side of her knew.. yeow.. I just have to keep saying that as I still can't believe it. They got that fixed and did some maintenance inside the knee and within a week she was able to walk on it.. However, looks like it might have gotten infected so she's going back in tomorrow for possibly a flush/drain but they said she should be back at work by Monday.

If I run or do the stationary bike or treadmill, I'm okay 'til I start pushing it.. then, I'll feel some knee pain the next day... and I lay off it and take it easy... then, start over and I'm okay but I've got 10 years on you so part of that is typical degeneration I assume...

Go to the doc.. maybe it's nothing more than a little fluid..
I blew out the right ACL back in the early 80's and that's the leg that tends to cramp up on me when we're on really long rides. Highway wings really help.

Good luck.

No direct knee injuries. I spent 10.5 years in the US Army. 6 of it on Active Duty. Pretty much all of the 10.5 years in the Infantry. In that line of work it is pretty common to be running around the woods with 125lbs of crap. Of course my 6 years of AD was as OPFOR where we averaged 300 days a year in the field getting beat to crap. Over the course of my time in the military and service related treatment at the VA I have broken 17 bones and endured 5 operations. In the winter in Germany we would be doing 5 mile runs on those -4 days. Heck I even had frostbite a few times although we pretty much all had that in my unit a time or two. So I guess in the end I really can't be too shocked that I have knee pain even though I am only 32.

I did the infantry/ranger gig myself. I can tell you that tromping through the woods with that ruck on, and jumping out of planes is more than likely the culprit to those bad knees. I have more back and knee problems than I care to mention, but I wouldn't trade the experience I had while in for anything in the world. On a side note, go to the ER of the best ortho hospital around. Tell them the pain is unbearable. They'll treat you and the charge goes to VA. I've never tried it but my ranger buddy has and it apparently worked.
This is probably not the same problem you have, but my knees are going to be 65 years old in just a few days.

If I don't run for a few weeks, even a short run will cause me knee pain that will last 2-3 days. Once I get back into a regular run program, I can increase the distance. Each longer distance usually causes the knee pain, but then in a couple of days I can go out again, at even longer distance.

I take Glucosamine and Chondroitin as a cartilage builder on a daily basis and this seems to help (along with a daily vitamin pill). This also helps.

I regularly go to the gym, but all the other exercises have been no help as far as preventing knee pain. I have to keep running in order to keep running.

I'm also a big believer in stretching. My stretch regimen takes about 20 minutes, before exercising or racing. Anderson's book is the absolute best on this subject.

I hope you can overcome this. Good luck.

I did the infantry/ranger gig myself. I can tell you that tromping through the woods with that ruck on, and jumping out of planes is more than likely the culprit to those bad knees. I have more back and knee problems than I care to mention, but I wouldn't trade the experience I had while in for anything in the world. On a side note, go to the ER of the best ortho hospital around. Tell them the pain is unbearable. They'll treat you and the charge goes to VA. I've never tried it but my ranger buddy has and it apparently worked.

That is the other option that I am considering. Or VA Hospital is actually really good. I have had 4 of my 5 operations performed there. I have regular Helath Care through my employer but I actually go to the VA for all my care. The co-pay is less and they have done a good job so far. I am currently rated as 30% disabled by the VA but nothing for my knee. The only operation that wasn't performed at the VA was for my shoulder that I blew out while going through the obsticle course at Camp Ripley in Northern Minnesota. Tricare sent me to a regular Ortho and they did the operation to patch me back up. So I guess you can add a blown out shoulder to that list of broken bones.

I realy don't do anything that would cause damage to my knee anymore. For work I sit in a cube and manage a bunch of Windows Servers. I used to mountain bike a lot but ever since I blew out my shoulder it causes too much pain so I only ride trails that are made from old railroad beds. Heck I don't even push a lawnmower or shovel snow. We have 2.5 acres and have a big 4x4 John Deere tractor for that.
Consider physical therapy.
I had some work done this year. I won't bore you with details. I was released for physical therapy about two weeks ago.
Net,net, my right knee bent to only 115°compared to 132° on my left. Riding is doable but difficult.
After only the first week my right knee bends to 122°.
Consider physical therapy.
I had some work done this year. I won't bore you with details. I was released for physical therapy about two weeks ago.
Net,net, my right knee bent to only 115?compared to 132? on my left. Riding is doable but difficult.
After only the first week my right knee bends to 122?.

I think I will talk to a Dr and see what they say. I know I did a lot of PT with my shoulder injury. My knee however isn't really a range of motion issue. It is just if it is flexed for and extented period (on the bike) or twisted like when I cross my legs (put my right ankle on my left knee) it stiffens up and hurts pretty good. It is bad enough that when I get off the bike or get up from sitting like that I will limp for a little bit. That and the knee pops quite a bit when walking.

I know that body weight can come into play. I did just go on a diet to try and loose some weight. I had jumped on the scale the other day and was shocked to see that I was 200.5 lbs. So I stopped drinking my normal beer and started drinking only Guinness beer as it is 125 cal/pint. I also cut back on my portions a little bit. This lasted for about 3 days and I was back down to my target weight of 199.5lbs :cool:. I just am trying to stay below 200. Oh I'm 6'4" so there really isn't all that much extra to loose. My weight in the Army was 195lbs but back then I ran 5 miles a day and went mountain biking all the time. I even did a couple races. Considering I have been totally out of the military for 5 years now I would say that I am doing pretty well at maintaining my weight.
I just had both knees replaced in January (osteoarthritis.) When I slung my leg over the bike the first time after surgery (4 weeks) I went to put it (the right one) on the foot peg and realized it was about 4 inches above the peg. Previously I had problems getting the leg to bend. I am about an inch and a half taller because of straighter knees and the doc correcting the bow in my legs.
I haven't felt this good in about 10 years.
See a doc!
My brother who, along with me, inherited our father's knees has gotten injections of Synvisc that he says have made a big difference. Of course his legs are still bowed and his knees are always bent.
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