30K mi on Avon Azaro STs... Whoodathunkit?

Aug 24, 2005
2006 ST1300
There will probably be a lot of folks who have a hard time believing this is possible, but I'm here to tell you, it is. I recently changed out the tires on my '95 ST1100, and the old Azaros had just over 30,000 miles on them. Yep, you read that correctly, 30,000 miles. They were installed as a pair at the same time as my timing belt change, at 101,100 miles. They were replaced (with Avon Storm STs) at 131,573 miles. Here are pics of the tires upon removal:

The Pair:

Closeup of Rear:


Closeup of Front:

As you can see, the rear was still in pretty good shape, just on the wear bars. The front was cupped pretty significantly, which apparently was typical of this design. I would not have ridden this tire much further. The newer Storm ST front so far seem less prone to cupping, but then I've only got 6,000 mi. on it. My general impression of the new Storm STs is that they're better tires than the older version. They have good wet traction, very good dry traction, and very little tendency to follow road surface features.
The tires were always run on the high side on pressure, and my riding was pretty much 90% interstate (I commuted 208 mi/day for four years, then 170 mi/day for a year).
As a historical note, prior to the Avons, I had run three sets of Metzelers (ME-Z4) and got from 18k to 20k miles per set on them.
Simply amazing, but your riding conditions are conducive to longer life. Interesting the extra mileage over the Z4s, just shows that newer tyres are getting better in all regards. I have over 7000kms on a front storm, some slight feathering of the side teadblocks, but a lot of this distance was on tight roads, not open road commuting.
Wow, I thought I was doing well to get 14-15K from an Avon Azaro rear and 19K from the matching front on my old ST1100. These were the longest lasting tires I ever used but I could never dream of reaching 30K! Are you sure some elves didn't sneak into your garage and change them out at about 1/2 distance without you noticing?
I dream of getting 10K miles on my ST11. I have always worn out the front first on all tyres by a fair margin. Its a pity tyres cost more here than the US, and we wear them out quicker as well lol!!
I suspect your riding style contributes greatly to your high mileage, and congratulations.

I'm at 26,000 miles right now on my OEM Battleax in the front. I have had some holes in the rear tires so there were problems.

My riding has been 100 miles a day commute on the super-slab also, and very little pleasure riding in the twisties.

Getting 30K miles out of a set of tires is easy. All you have to do is;

1. Never ride on hot days.
2. Never exceed the speed limit.
3. Never put luggage or a passenger on your bike
4. Don't weigh over 150 pounds.
5. Always ride in the rain.
6. Never ride west of the Missouri River.
7. Always keep your tires inflated correctly.

:D :D :D
Getting 30K miles out of a set of tires is easy. All you have to do is;

1. Never ride on hot days.
2. Never exceed the speed limit.
3. Never put luggage or a passenger on your bike
4. Don't weigh over 150 pounds.
5. Always ride in the rain.
6. Never ride west of the Missouri River.
7. Always keep your tires inflated correctly.

:D :D :D

8. Push your bike everywhere you go...

That's amazing mileage.
There will probably be a lot of folks who have a hard time believing this is possible, but I'm here to tell you, it is. I recently changed out the tires on my '95 ST1100, and the old Azaros had just over 30,000 miles on them.

Dom? Is that you??? ;)
Getting 30K miles out of a set of tires is easy. All you have to do is;

1. Never ride on hot days.
2. Never exceed the speed limit.
3. Never put luggage or a passenger on your bike
4. Don't weigh over 150 pounds.
5. Always ride in the rain.
6. Never ride west of the Missouri River.
7. Always keep your tires inflated correctly.

:D :D :D

1. I ride from early April through late November; a lot of my riding is in summer heat
2. LOLOL! 80-90mph is just normal on the Illinois tollways! If you do the speed limit, you'll get rear-ended... by a school bus!
3. Luggage, always. Passenger, rarely
4. LOL again! I weigh 200.
5. Sometimes, it does feel like it!
6. Nope. MKE-PHX is one of my favorite trips, including all the desert and mountain roads I can find
7. Yup and yup! And this is the biggest thing of all. I usually run a couple pounds over the standard pressure.

Seriously, the 90% interstate riding has a *lot* to do with it, but I don't take it easy. I go like hell, and twisty ramps are my friend. Scooterb can vouch for me :)
If what you say is all true, then I just have to say that in over 11 years of operating the ST1100 liST, that is the highest (by at least a factor of 2) mileage I have ever heard of anyone getting out of a set of tires on an ST. With the type of conditions you claim, your mileage should be maxed at about 12,000 if even that.

I'm now firmly in the camp with those who believe you lost track of an intermediate tire change.

Sorry, I just don't believe it.
Good lord man, do you ever accelerate, turn, or brake? :cool:

Sure he does.... He just does not do what you are showing in your avatar ;) lol...

I wonder if the new ones will last you that long tho.. I bet the improvements you mentioned may very well take some of the life away.
I just hope I can get 1/2 or better than that out of them when I put them on.
5k on my stockers and they are showing quite the wear.
If what you say is all true, then I just have to say that in over 11 years of operating the ST1100 liST, that is the highest (by at least a factor of 2) mileage I have ever heard of anyone getting out of a set of tires on an ST. With the type of conditions you claim, your mileage should be maxed at about 12,000 if even that.

I'm now firmly in the camp with those who believe you lost track of an intermediate tire change.

Sorry, I just don't believe it.

By a factor of 2?? You must be leading a sheltered life... per my earlier post, I am quite used to getting 18-20k out of Metzeler ME-Z4s, and the Avons are certainly more durable than the Z4s. I *know* there are others out there who have made it over well over 15k on a set of skins.
You're quite within your rights to believe (or not) whatever you wish, but I assure you I did not miss an intermediate change. The mileage is real.
My reference to an earlier post was a fellow by the name of Dom Isabella (and forgive me if you know him.) Dom was notorious for getting far more mileage out of tires on the ST1100 than anyone else on the old ST List. Dom was the only one I knew of who could eek 20k miles out of a rear tire when everyone else reported the typical 10-12k. Dom held a semi-legendary status because of his 20k mile changes. Perhaps this will explain why there are going to be skeptics to see that, not only are getting 30k miles, but also the fact those tires in your photo appear like they could go another 5k easy.

Yep, I'm skeptical as well. But hey, we never gave Dom a pass on his claims either at first. But we knew him long enough to monitor his tire changes and over time we were proven wrong. So you can certainly take that mileage mantel from Dom by tracking your mileage on the next set and reporting back regularly.;)
Sounds like Dom & I perhaps have similar riding conditions and/or styles. I certainly knew a lot of folks would be skeptical, heck, my best buddy just scratches his head too...
As for 5k more miles on those, well, perhaps on the rear, but that front was finished! As a matter of fact, the rear was finished too, for different reasons. It was plugged with a gummy worm at about 25k, and it was starting to leak slowly again. Wasn't worth pulling it off to patch the inside.

Edit to add, I always do track mileage, so I'll know how many the current ones have at changeover. Problem is, I don't put on 20k+ per year anymore, so it may very well be two more seasons until they are worn out :)
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Geez, all i get is 10k from front and rear!! Im going to see if I can get a avon azaro st.. That would save me some money! Thanks
I believe you. I probably live on the other end of the scale, going through front brake pads every 20,000kms, just replaced the front discs at 115,000kms and tyres last 10,000kms or so front or rear (I have tried BT020, Z^ D205 and Azaro 46). We have rather abrasive roads here, and I don't smoothly go into all corners by slowing down well before, brakes are meant to go on late so you can go fast through corners. At the moment I am trying to wear off that little 'storm' logo on the edge of the Avon tyre, but it will take some work.
I couldn't get 30,000 miles on a motorcycle tire if the bike was towed on a trailer! The most I've ever gotten out of a set of tires on my ST1300 was 7,500 miles... and that was an exception as mostly they are toast at 6,000.
I won't cast any dispersions on anyone's mileage claims, but I sure wish I knew what the difference was. In my (short) moto tenure of only about 4.5 years, I have purchased 9 tires which were installed on 3 different machines over about 45k of riding. Granted, 2 sets were put on used bikes with worn out skins when I aquired them. Only one time (so far) have I replaced a rear by itself and that was with a set of Metzler Z6's on my '91 ST1100 and the rear tire was in cord at 5,600 miles. That front tire went about 10.5k. I have no record of the longevity of two sets of tires due to selling the bikes with the tires on them, so my database is limited.

This I can say, so far I have replaced 3 rear tires that I have used up (they were new or not "shot" when I received them), 2 front tires that I have used up, and had good indication of the wear on 3 rear and 3 front tires which I did not (or have not) completed the wear cycle. Generally the rear tires lasted (or were/are on track to last) about 7 to 8k, and the fronts were 7 to 10k. These tires have included Metzler Z4's & Z6's, Bridgestone BT021's, Bridgestone Exedra's, and Avon Azarro ST45/55's. I maintain 42 to 46 psi rear and 40 to 44 psi front. I live in TN, accelerate firmly, love the curves, do a fair amount of slab or slab-style riding although certainly not exclusively there, generally +10 to +15. I have NEVER seen a tire with ANY indication of life much exceeding the 10k mark.

At $200 to $250 a set (plus service costs), I would love to see 15 to 20k life from a set of tires. Like I said in the beginning, I sure wish I knew what the difference was...
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