2014 - Canada and the Rockies

07-29: Calgary to Waterton via Banff & Golden

Total Distance: 478 miles
Total Time: 8 hours, 45 minutes

485 wonderful miles through the MOUNTAINS today. Left Calgary at 5:15am to miss the traffic. It was 57 degF so I thought I was okay as I enjoyed the sunrise hitting the mountains to the west.




Lac Des Arcs east of Canmore on the TransCanada

By the time I got to Lake Louise, it had dropped to 42 degF and I was miserable. Put on my heated liner and gloves and set everything to HOT. Much better! Note to self, I'm not in Texas anymore!

Crossed into BC on the TransCanada east of Field.



Breakfast in Golden, British Columbia and then south down 95. Passed the locations in Parson and Spillamacheen where we were taken heli-hiking by CMH. Got to do that again!




Turn east again and up across the Crowsnest Pass back into Alberta and see the Frank Slide.



Head south from Pincher Creek to Waterton Lakes.

Arrived at 3:00pm. Overnight at the Crandell Mountain Lodge but booked to have
dinner at the Prince of Wales.

Prince of Wales Hotel

My view before eating dinner at the Prince of Wales Hotel…

…is only improved by a very reasonable Malbec !

STA5 has a few more notches in her belt!

Tomorrow I return to the USA!

Great Pics Andy, ....the area around Lake Louise and Canmore is amongest the most beautiful in Canada
Pics brought back memories of when Carole and I were on those roads in 96. Asked her if she remembered the Franks Slide and she did. Was actually at the Prince of Wales way back in 1980. We were two up on my brand new Gold Wing Interstate. Great pics.


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Pics brought back memories of when Carole and I were on those roads in 96. Asked her if she remembered the Franks Slide and she did. Was actually at the Prince of Wales way back in 1980. We were two up on my brand new Gold Wing Interstate. Great pics.

Great looking bike, Gary!
Left Waterton yesterday at 8:15pm after having breakfast at Pearl's. Huge French Toast sandwich filled with ham and cheese, and then covered in Strawberries. I was not able to finish it!


58 degF but it quickly warmed up to the mid-sixties. Crossed back into the USA at Chief Mountain Border Crossing which must be the highest at 5,500 ft. Grumpy Border officer did not like that I had two passports (USA & Canadian) so as usual I was made to feel very welcome returning.

Question: "Why do you have a Canadian Passport?"
Answer: "Because I lived in Canada for six years and have a beautiful Canadian Wife"
Response "Grunt"
Question: "Why do you have a USA passport?"
Answer: "Because I chose to become a US Citizen and have lived in the USA for 26 years" (Officer looked little over 20!)
Response: "Grunt"

They really know how to make one feel welcome when returning home!

He had not read the sign that said International Peace Park!

Cross Montana off the list of States where I have ridden STA5!

Rough road around Chief Mountain with cattle and horses to avoid but wonderful scenery.


Entered Glacier National Park and rode up to Many Glacier. Great reflections but not many glaciers left. Warmed up enough that I took off my extra layer under my 'stich.





Returned down to the highway and around to St.Mary's to enter Glacier Park again and head up to Logan's Pass and the famous Going to the Sun Road. Construction meant a 15 minute delay and it was a wet gravel surface and clay surface road almost all the way up to Logan's Pass.




Parking lot was full at Logan's Pass so I just continued over the summit and down the Going to the Sun Road. Heavy traffic and slow HD riders!


Mountain Sheep on the snowbank on the left, so EVERYBODY had to stop!

Scary moment went this Glacier Park tour van decided to cross the center line!

Gave him more than a taste of my Stebel!

Arrived at Lake McDonald Lodge about 12:15pm where I checked into the motel.


Total Distance: 112 miles, Total Time: 4 hours

See more pictures here

Follow my Spot!
418 miles of Big Sky today as I crossed Montana from North to South. Left about 6:30am and arrived in Gardiner just outside Yellowstone at 1:00pm. Cold morning at 52 degF as even with the sun up the tall pines shaded the road. Eventually got above the tree line and it warmed up so that it was 86 degF when I arrived. Two nights here so I have a full day to explore Yellowstone again. Going to get up early to avoid the RVs and hopefully catch some good wildlife.


STA5 turned over 78,000 miles today.

Total Distance: 418 miles. Total Duration: 6 Hours, 45 minutes

Total miles to date on this trip = 3,626.
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08-01: Yellowstone Tour
Total Distance: 180 miles
Total Duration: 7 Hours, 30 Minutes with lots of stops.


Up at 6:00am so I could have the breakfast included with my room. On the road by 7:30am to do the classic Yellowstone Grand Loop as a clockwise figure of eight. A cold 52 degF was made bearable by the speed limits of 35 and 45 mph. Loved the ride up to Mt Washburn at just under 9,000ft. Beautiful clear day and little traffic until I got past Norris Junction. Old Faithful Geyser was a zoo of tourists but I dutifully sat and waited an our for the show. Why do groups of HD riders decide to ride at 35 in a 45 mph zone? Got impatient and blew by six that were down from Alberta. The HD brand was probably the most successful consumer brainwashing until the Apple iPhone arrived!

After 180 miles of riding, I was back in Gardiner just before 3:00pm to a very warm 85 degF. A loud thunderstorm soon cut the edges off the heat. Tomorrow I plan to do the Chief Joseph Highway and Beartooth Pass again on the way to the Grand Tetons just because I am so close and those roads are some of the best I have ridden in the USA.

Total miles to date = 3,806

Pictures posted here
08-02: Mammoth to Grand Tetons via Chief Joseph Highway and Beartooth Pass

Total Distance: 336 miles
Total Duration: 8 Hours, 15 minutes

I took a long diversion out to the east to ride the Chief Joseph Highway and Beartooth Pass before crossing Yellowstone Park to Grand Teton National Park. I had not originally planned this diversion but decided to enjoy some of the best roads I have ridden as they were so close. It was 50 deg when I started but cooled down to 41 degF in some of the sheltered valleys. It took me two hours to arrive at the North Eastern Gate. Very little traffic until I was out of the park and then the number of motorcycles increased dramatically. The Chief Joseph Highway was great! No slow movers all the way to the top from where the view was amazing. One LEO on the downside but he was busy with another biker. It started to become hotter (79 degF) as I went up to Belfry and Red Lodge so I thought of stopping and shedding a layer but I knew it would be colder at 11,000ft so I just rode on. Quite a bit of traffic going up the Beartooth but it cleared out at the top and was fine coming down. It did cool off so it was not till I was in Silver Gate that I shed my extra layer. Ride across Yellowstone was only interrupted by Bison on the road in the Lamar and Hayden Valleys slowing all the traffic to a standstill. Arrived at Flagg Ranch at 3:30pm.


Total miles to date = 4,142

Pictures posted here
08-03: Grand Tetons Circuit

Total Distance: 121 miles
Total Duration: 8 Hours, 15 minutes

Today I did the tourist mode. Did not get up until 8:00am. Coffee in the cabin as I decided not to waste any money on the Headwaters Lodge. Left at 8:30 and headed down to Grand Tetons National Park. Took my time stopping and enjoying the view and taking pictures. Even used my tripod to ensure I had some good shots. Came into Jackson Village along a back road that turned unpaved for a few miles but was rewarded by a young Mouse browsing right by the road. No picture as I was too close!

Parked below the Jackson Hole Aerial Tramway and took the $35 trip to the top of Rendezvous Mountain. Amazing views! Toyed with idea of doing a tandem parasailing ride but when I saw them do this, I decided to save my $275!


Back at the Flagg Ranch by 3:30pm I noticed that one of the front fork seals on STA5 is leaking. Is this bad? Can I ride another 2,00 miles? Have to get on the ST-Owners forum and ask for advice. Why don't I have an internet connection?..?


Pictures posted here
08-04: Tetons to Moab
Total Distance: 572 miles
Total Duration: 10 Hours, 30minutes

A long day today as I was up at 5:00am just north of the Grand Tetons. Wanted to get an early start to see if I could catch the sunrise on the Tetons and also I had many mountain miles to do. Weather was very mixed all day. The sunrise on the Tetons was a washout due to low cloud masking the sun. South of Jackson on 189 it dropped to 42 degF and started raining. Cold and wet all the way across the high country of Wyoming to Rock Springs where the sun appeared. Great ride on 503 to 191 past the Flaming Gorge in Utah. As I came into Colorado I could see a huge thundercloud directly south of me and I got nailed under it south of Rangely on 139. Great twisties on 139 but the road was rough. Finally onto the I-70 slab and back into Utah to Moab at 4:00pm after 572 miles. Two nights here in Moab to revisit Arches and Canyonlands National Parks. Halfway home on my way south with only another 1,700 miles to ride.


Pictures posted here

Total miles to date = 4,835 and 1,669 miles to home
Hi Andy,
We had breakfast in Golden. I was on the V Strom. Your ST riding adventures rekindled my interest in the ST. When I got back to Olympia, WA I checked Craigslist and, as fate would have it, there was an 06 ST in Oregon City with only 20k miles and the right price. Now I'm a new owner on the site. Thanks for the inspiration.
Hi Andy,
We had breakfast in Golden. I was on the V Strom. Your ST riding adventures rekindled my interest in the ST. When I got back to Olympia, WA I checked Craigslist and, as fate would have it, there was an 06 ST in Oregon City with only 20k miles and the right price. Now I'm a new owner on the site. Thanks for the inspiration.

Great Carl! Welcome to the forum and congratulations on the 06 ST which I know you will enjoy. Not so great on the gravel as your Strom.

It is a small world and I am sure we'll bump into each other again one day.

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