44 years ago today

Dec 8, 2004
Spring Valley AZ
Aprilia Atlantic 200
Samantha Paige Huntley was born.

My little girl soars the heavens as an Angel today.

I miss you Sammy, now and always,

Don, I'm so sorry for your loss. You have an awful lot on your plate.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Don, you have dismay coming at you from multiple directions. Good thing you enjoy motorcyling, it helps clear the head. I hope you keep a stiff upper lip and keep on truckin'.

From years ago to just this week, loss of a child is something ya never get over. Nearly 17 years since Derek passed. Don, Nick and Jeanette, me, and several others on this board. (Not to mention parents, SOs, and kids of those thousands we've lost in foreign lands.:

Prayers and hugs to all of us who have lost a child.

Don't forget to love'em while ya got'em too. StrayCatt and family are doing fine in Illinois, and I love them all.

Best wishes, Don.
There are not words enough to comfort for the loss of one's child, but I am so very sorry for your loss.


Ahhh, Don. I know from experience that there is nothing to say that can make it one bit better.

Know that I am standing right there with you, if you need a hand, just take one of mine.
I have a child and I cannot fathom the pain associated with a loss of that magnitude... I'm not sure I could bear it. Prayers sent your way...
There are no words - I have never lost a child and cannot even imagine what that kind of loss would feel like. I lost my brother in a plane crash of an experimental aircraft that we were building together. I witnessed what effect it had on my parents and I understand what that kind of pain does to people. I can only hope and pray you find peace and love in you life. There are so many people around you to help shoulder the load.
My best to you,
It is Sunday the day Nick and Jeanette are deep in the throes of the grief I can only guess at... It is one hour into their service... On another forum I just read of yet another daughter taken, that led me to Christina the 9 year old Tucson victim, and my cousin, and on and on and here to this thread and learning of three more. The grief is just overwhelming; I haven't stopped crying in over two hours, and I have not lived it. I don't think Nick and Jeanette will mind if I post the note I just sent to them here... It goes out to Tom, and George, and Gonzo, and Don, and Abby, and all the parents all over the world who have lost a child... This is for you:

" Dear Jeanette and Nick,

It is 3:15 on Sunday and I have just focussed totally on the two of you and sent as much love as I have to wrap itself around you both in this day of grief. My heart is broken for the loss of yet another one too young and too innocent to be no longer with us. I will continue to keep you both and Danielle wrapped in love to help you stay strong enough to reach a point someday when the beautiful memories of laughter, girlish giggles, and the joy of a daughter come to take their rightful place within your hearts.

Peace be unto you both, and a big O2w hug when next we see each other. Love,

Rod "
It is Sunday the day Nick and Jeanette are deep in the throes of the grief I can only guess at... It is one hour into their service... On another forum I just read of yet another daughter taken, that led me to Christina the 9 year old Tucson victim, and my cousin, and on and on and here to this thread and learning of three more. The grief is just overwhelming; I haven't stopped crying in over two hours, and I have not lived it. I don't think Nick and Jeanette will mind if I post the note I just sent to them here... It goes out to Tom, and George, and Gonzo, and Don, and Abby, and all the parents all over the world who have lost a child... This is for you:

" Dear Jeanette and Nick,

It is 3:15 on Sunday and I have just focussed totally on the two of you and sent as much love as I have to wrap itself around you both in this day of grief. My heart is broken for the loss of yet another one too young and too innocent to be no longer with us. I will continue to keep you both and Danielle wrapped in love to help you stay strong enough to reach a point someday when the beautiful memories of laughter, girlish giggles, and the joy of a daughter come to take their rightful place within your hearts.

Peace be unto you both, and a big O2w hug when next we see each other. Love,

Rod "

Thank you for your kind and beautiful words, Rod.

We endure. Our memories endure.

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