A Tipover with the Wife aboard!

Jun 1, 2011
2010 ST1300
It started a few weeks ago with a nice weekend ride, on my new 2010 ST bought NEW
in June. Now with many years of riding and 30 bikes or more in all my years since a teen, I never dropped a bike other than a dirt bike way back when!? Most of my scoots
in past years have been Sport Tours, with this in mind I always wanted a ST. Now that
I own one, Its a great bike except for the weight!! Well as the day goes on and the ride
nearing the end, It Happened! I came to a stop at a corner, where I was going to make
a right turn, put my foot down and started tipping a little more than the norm. So what
does the wife do? She goes to put her foot down, with that the off balance of weight
made us Tipover! No body hurt except feelings and one scuffed Wing. Needless to say
ThankGod a Big man saw us and offered to help lift the bike, so we did and then noticed the road was tilted toward a drain in the curb! That must have been the problem. After this we got back on and went home, I was a little upset, so I said to my wife, why did you put your foot down? She said I felt like we where going to fall and we did! So she says if you think Its my falt go order a new Tipover Wing and I will Pay for it. So now I have a new one on the bike and a scuffed wing sitting around. I hope this is not a pattern starting? Is the lighter thing still being passed around or should I start passing around the scuffed Tipover Wing!! Capt.Bill :eek:: #1
Just a thought...I would say to my honey, "no sweetheart it's not your fault that we went over, but I was worried that you could really get hurt when you put your leg in harms way like that..." Or some such...disregard if it doesn't apply to your situ.

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Just a thought...I would say to my honey, "no sweetheart it's not your fault that we went over, but I was worried that you could really get hurt when you put your leg in harms way like that..." Or some such...disregard if it doesn't apply to your situ.

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Yeah, ask Mark (Milehigh) about getting one's foot caught under these beasts! :eek:4:
Suggest (nicely of course) not for her to put her foot down for that very reason. If she feels the bike going over, then bail, otherwise let the operator do his job to balance it all! :)

And then when you start tipping over, yell to her to bail! ;)

Sorry to hear that, I have the same fear of my wife off balancing us and going over. Been lucky so far!:eek::
New covers seem to attract tip-overs. You would have been better off leaving the scratched one on the bike.

That my story and I'm sticking to it...
I havent had a tip over with a passenger, but did give one a pre ride brief. As I hadnt ridden with this Lady on the back before, I told her that if she felt the bike start to go over the she was to make every effort to throw her self under the low side so the bike wouldnt get damaged.

For some reason she hit me.
Hello from Mrs Capt ;)

By the way I have a Size 8 shoe and a Cute one at that !!
Not my first Rodeo riding on the back of bike
I plead the 5th ---------Not my Fault at all -------
My Capt is a good rider / never happen before and we have had many different bikes
It was a Slow Motion Tip Over
and Mrs did Bail after Bike Fell with no injury Thank Goodness
Leaving Me on the ground with my Leg under Bike
So I guess that Wing did its Job !
So I lowered the Seat one notch down and we are Good to Go again
Back on the Road with lower center of gravity
I am sure you will enjoy my Wifes Reply
My wife and I did the same thing on our curved, very sloped driveway. We did it first time packed full right before a trip. But she got right back on!

Glad yours did too without complications. Our wives are awesome! It's good that they think we ride well normally and that it was a one time thing.

Right!? ;)
My one and only tip over so far was with the SO on the back. Full tank of gas, all bags loaded, pulled into a sloping parking lot, stopped, put my foot down and she started to lean over, way over! I'm fighting it and telling the SO to jump off! She asked why? I say " we're going down!".... and then in slow motion I lay her down! Now I have a rule, kick stand or left side on the high side when it comes to sloping parking areas!
About the same thing happened to us..SO was on back, we were coming to a stop at a "T" intersection, it was uphill, with a weird break to the right, which is where were going. I came to a stop, but kinda overcompensated for the uphill grade, (speedwise) , putting my foot down too fast, and felt it start to go down.Of course, this caused SO to start to lean in the wrong direction, also, which accelerated the tipover. I had a leg down, and kept it going slow, but there was no way to stop it. SO just kinda hopped off, on her right leg, her left leg held up to clear the bike and back rest. She was completely unscathed, while I received a big bruise...to my ego. On the plus side, however, I was so mad at myself, that I picked up the bike to an upright position by myself, and wheeled it off the road before any fellow riders could pass by and snicker!
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