Award Request for Gizmo! [ST1300 50,000 Mile Award]


Mar 21, 2009
Waterloo Region (Canada)
2014 Yamaha FJR
Sender Information

Userid: 17786
User Name: Gizmo

Request Information:
Award ID: 13
Name: ST1300 50,000 Mile Award

Recipient username : Gizmo

Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.

Earlier this month while enjoying the scenery and curvaceous roads of southeast Ohio the odometer on my [Canadian] bike turned over a significant number!

Yes, that's right, while riding on the "Triple Nickel" I rolled over the 80,000 km mark. And by the end of the day, or perhaps the next day, I looked after the extra 291 miles needed to make it official.

When I bought this bike back in '08 I had no idea how much fun and how far it would take me in a few short years:)
Congrats!... always feels good to his this milestone.
You just had to beat me, huh? I should be passing my 50k milestone just before I get home from the Waffle House run Saturday night. I'm about 1200 miles from it right now.

Well, congrats anyway I guess...though you only beat me because our American miles are worth less right now!!! :D
Thanks for the best wishes. Makes me realize I should have thanked all those who have been along for the ride – both physically (riding together on various trips) and virtually (those who I’ve only met online). I’ve met some great people through this forum and my life is richer for it!
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