Back pain. Need advice.

Jan 23, 2006
Toronto, ON, Canada
My last two rides were approx. 300 miles. Not much but meaningfull. I came out with a back pain both times, much worse today. I haven't changed anything on my bike since I did back to back 325+ miles in May. However, I have changed a few things to my clothing. In the Spring, I was wearing my Aerostich. This week, I was wearing a mesh jacket with full body armor, including a back protector. I will try without it. Anyone out there has experienced back pain and found a way to cure it. Thanks for your help.
Not to pry but has your weight or work out regiment changed since May ? I know it can have a direct effect as I went through a similar experiance. Once I started back on a regiment the pain went away.
I got rid of close to 30 pounds in 05, and I have no pains anymore. Makes me giggle every once in a while.

Do you feel pressure points along your back from the new armor? Are there straps or adjustments you can make to loosen it up a bit?

Have you changed riding positions any? Could be you're using some more stomach and back muscles to take weight off your hands might be a cause.
Where are you feeling the back pain? Are you riding the BMW or an ST? What kind of road surfaces and conditions?

About a year and a half ago (actually it was Dec. 1, 2005 at about 1000 a.m.) I simultaneously crushed T-7, T-8, and T-9 (a little higher than mid back) during a training accident.

I haven't had any back pain on the ST yet, and last week I did a 200 miler, followed by 500 the next day. Even road irregularities don't bother me on the ST like they do on the GL (spine straight up and down).

So yeah, I've had back pain...just not on the ST.

Good luck with your solution.
Not to pry but has your weight or work out regiment changed since May ? I know it can have a direct effect as I went through a similar experiance. Once I started back on a regiment the pain went away.

I suppose it is possible. I am a fit 53 year old. 5'10, 180. I work out on average 5 hours a week, paddling a kayak, elliptical machine and weight training. Actually, now that I think of it, I wonder if it's because I did a hard workout the day before and my back was sore. I'll see.
If your using the stock seat or a single front aftermarket seat, try experimenting with the seat angle adjustment, this has made a significant difference for myself and a fellow rider. I have raised the seat front and lowered the rear of the seat and found it took pressure off the lower back.
The best thing my wife and I have found to help the back when riding, is the adjustable, stretch back supports at Walmart. About $25, and makes a world of difference on both long and short trips.
The best thing my wife and I have found to help the back when riding, is the adjustable, stretch back supports at Walmart. About $25, and makes a world of difference on both long and short trips.

This is what I have done also. I used to just wear one while on long rides, but anymore I use it in my daily commute and it really keeps me from having any back pains from riding! :biker:
I suppose it is possible. I am a fit 53 year old. 5'10, 180. I work out on average 5 hours a week, paddling a kayak, elliptical machine and weight training. Actually, now that I think of it, I wonder if it's because I did a hard workout the day before and my back was sore. I'll see.

Work out less and ride more.:) I think I'll give it a try myself.
Big battle for me. I'm a very fit 64, but 14 years of ice hockey has taken it's tole on my upper back / neck (c-6, c-7). My first 20 minutes on my new (E-bay, way across the country ) ST1300 and I was getting lightning bolts and dry ice sensations down my back and arms.
I limped the bike to my sisters, flew home, took a month to think it out.
Then I bought MCL risers and a Spencer'd seat.
When I finally rode it the last 4000 miles home, there were a couple really bad neck/back events, but I could get off for 15 minutes, stretch, apply a little ice bag, and I was good for another 1 - 5 hours.

Just sharing. I barely made it home, but two weeks of just keeping at it, stopping when I had to, taking rest seriously and it worked out. The jury is deliberating right now on whether I'll continue the battle for a while or sell it and try a mega-scooter.

P.s. The trip across the U.S. on the ST1300 was a fantastic experience and it was worth the occasional moments of misery. It's the wonderful trip I'll remember later.

Good luck
My last two rides were approx. 300 miles. Not much but meaningfull. I came out with a back pain both times, much worse today. I haven't changed anything on my bike since I did back to back 325+ miles in May. However, I have changed a few things to my clothing. In the Spring, I was wearing my Aerostich. This week, I was wearing a mesh jacket with full body armor, including a back protector. I will try without it. Anyone out there has experienced back pain and found a way to cure it. Thanks for your help.

In response to the next-to-last sentence...I don't know if I can say I have a "cure" for all back pain, but I do treat back pain all day, every day.:D

Where is your back pain? Do you have any leg pain? Is it worse after sitting? Is it especially difficult getting straightened back out after sitting for prolonged periods?

I have a couple of ideas why you might be experiencing lower back pain, but the answers to the above questions will let me know.

Lower back pain is usually fairly easy to fix.

Let me know if I can be of any help.
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In response to the next-to-last sentence...I don't know if I can say I have a "cure" for all back pain, but I do treat back pain all day, every day.:D

Where is your back pain? Do you have any leg pain? Is it worse after sitting? Is it especially difficult getting straightened back out after sitting for prolonged periods? No signficant leg pain. Just the usual discomfort as the ride gets longer and longer. Nothing a good stretch can't fix.

I have a couple of ideas why you might be experiencing lower back pain, but the answers to the above questions will let me know.

Lower back pain is usually fairly easy to fix.

Let me know if I can be of any help.

While riding, the pain starts mostly in the upper back, in between the two shoulders, let's say 6-9 inches below the neck. It's as if I am too close to the handlebars and my arms are pushing my shoulders backward and this is contracting the back muscles. Then as I start to wiggle around, the lower back gets into it. This is not where it is usually the worst. The most pain stays located in the upper back. However, the last time, the lower back got into it significantly more and after two days I am still feeling it. I did a soft workout this morning and it has helped a bit.

I am planning a 325 miles ride for Saturday and a 150 on Tuesday. Hopefully, it will heal by then.

Thanks for the help (to everyone)
While riding, the pain starts mostly in the upper back, in between the two shoulders, let's say 6-9 inches below the neck. It's as if I am too close to the handlebars and my arms are pushing my shoulders backward and this is contracting the back muscles. Then as I start to wiggle around, the lower back gets into it. This is not where it is usually the worst. The most pain stays located in the upper back. However, the last time, the lower back got into it significantly more and after two days I am still feeling it. I did a soft workout this morning and it has helped a bit.

I am planning a 325 miles ride for Saturday and a 150 on Tuesday. Hopefully, it will heal by then.

Thanks for the help (to everyone)

I had the same problem when I started riding a sport tourer. Fortunately I got good advice from knowledgable people before I made any hardware mistakes to my ST.

You need to relax. You aren't too close to the bars, you're not quite close enough. I bet you will find your arms are straight pushing your shoulders back. They need to be bent. You should be able to flap your arms like a chicken. You will find the riding position most comfortable once you relax. 500+ mile days will be no object.

Hi jbim

You may have to consider going back to an ST.
Just a thought.
If I recall correctly we bought STs around the same time.
Hope your problem goes away.

funny you should say that because I was thinking the same in regards to the more forward seating position of the ST as opposed to almost straight up sitting position on the GS. The ST reminded more of a road bike, which I rode quite a bit in my time without any back problems
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