battery upgrade...???

Aug 2, 2008
Natchez, MS
'07 ST1300
My stock Yuasa battery is now 4 years old plus or minus, but I have always felt the Yuasa battery, especially with a few farkles is borderline capable of doing the job ....

But in fact it has always got me there and is adequate on the long road but my commute trips I occasionally have a failure and need a long story made short ....thinking of adding an extra battery to be installed in my topbox with leads to the stock battery, positive to positive and neg to neg.. parallel for more endurance...any thoughts ???
It's generaly not a good idea for a few reasons.
You'd want batteries in parallel to be of the same capacity and service life.
Up high in the top box wouldn't be good for balance and they'd be pretty beefy fused cables to route.

If the yuasa is iffy it would be bettery to just replace it.

A few have tried the shorai LiFe batteries which sound promising but I'm interested how they perform of the long haul and when its well below freezing.

There's also the retrofit for the PC545 battery for a little reserve capacity.

A serviceable yuasa is ok for starting the bike. It's not meant to run farkles or leave the lights on for 5 minutes.

What's the voltage sag to when cranking the bike?
It's a little bit of work to make it fit, but I went with the Odyssey PC545 battery, and my installation is detailed in THIS article.

I'm coming up on two years with no issues to complain about. There was one time I turned the bike off and left the headlights & foglights burning, and I was impressed how quick I was able to start the bike with jumper cables from another bike ... didn't have to sit and wait for it to charge ... connected the cables and hit the starter. I went with the PC545 because I had two Yuasa batteries fail somewhat prematurely.
My original battery in my 2005 ST did a slow death last week. It would barely start sthe bike, got home put it on the tender all night, took it to get it checked.... only 50 amps cranking (220 on side of battery) Ordered a Scorpion for 72.00 shipped to the door, it was here in three days from BatteryStuff. It's been in two days,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and all is well so far:D
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