BatteryTenderJr needs 7.5 amp fuse.


GeriatricMutantNinja Norwegian
Mar 1, 2007
Des Moines, IA
ST1300 - NT700
Need a 7.5 amp Battery Tender Jr. fuse. Didn't have one so used a 10 amp. Is something gonna blow up, or will it work O.K.?

Don't like the sound of that. Will have to look for a 7.5 amp as they are not in any of the kits I have.

Don't like the sound of that. Will have to look for a 7.5 amp as they are not in any of the kits I have.


A battery Tender doesn't really need 7.5 amp. If you are only using the lead for the tender you could easily put in something smaller like 5 or 2.
That Tender lead can handle 10A just fine. My bet is the 7.5A is to protect the Tender not the harness. Fuses are never selected to handle more current than the wire but are sometimes selected to product a device's electrics and electronics. That Tender lead is 16Ga same as my Warm and Safe lead fused at 15A.

In fact WnS recommend replacing the 7.5A fuse with a 15A fuse for use with their heated clothing.

Some sensitive gear may die faster than a fuse can react but other gear may relay on the fuse going so as to protect it. At 10A risk if any would probably be to the Tender and not the wiring. But if you're not using the lead for anything but the Tender nothing wrong with sticking to the 7.5A fuse.
T_C said:
A battery Tender doesn't really need 7.5 amp. If you are only using the lead for the tender you could easily put in something smaller like 5 or 2.

True enough. I think the Tender itself has an output of .75A.
It will work, but in the event of a short or an overload, it will allow 10A of current through the charger and the wires before it blows, so it is erring on the side of danger. By the time a 10A fuse blows, the damage could have been done. Things could have got hot, wires could have melted, fires could have started.

It is safer to go the other way. Put a 5amp fuse in for the time being. If the unit normally draws more than 5amps (which seems a lot for a battery tender), then the fuse will blow and you will know that a 5 amp fuse is not enough, but nothing will have been damaged - apart from the fuse. (Some tenders go through a discharge and charge cycle every now and then, which might allow more current to flow, but for the rest of the time, they are just monitoring and topping up as required).
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