Bent front wheel

Jul 20, 2015
Franklin NC
Hit a hole in the road and the bead area of the front wheel is bent. Not loosing any pressure and no wobble at speed.
Looking for an opinion if I should be concerned or let it go as I don't notice any problems with it.


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I've had good look with Woody's in Colorado in straightening a front rim for me.

I would send picture to some of the companies that do this type of repair, see how much it would cost.
Then I would do the repair.

it might not be an issue, not dented in so far that it'll cause the bead to lose contact. But with only one front tire on the ground on a bike, I would hate to find this out mid-corner.
I remember some other threads regarding bent wheels. If you search and find them, there are probably other referrals, perhaps some closer to you. If @Uncle Phil recommends a place, its gonna be a good one.
If it were the rear, it would not bother me much.
But having experienced 'instantaneous' loss of the air out of the front tire, it is not something I care to repeat.
Or to take a chance on it happening again! ;)
You can always play 'what ifs' but my concern would be hitting another serious pothole and the bead breaking as the rim bends a little bit more.
I've had good luck with these guys straightening forks and frame. They do wheels too, but no personal experience with that part of his service. Their website makes it look like a chopper shop but the bikes in his shop when you go there look mostly like sport bikes and track day bikes.

Have it professionally repaired. There's probably a reputable place in your neck of the woods! They can true it up and let you know if the wheel's integrity has been compromised.

Oh, and welcome to the forum!
I banked my 1100 off a curb during a crash and bent both front and back rims similar to yours. I've been riding it for 4 years like that, no pressure loss, no safety issues.

As usual, I'm the lone voice, everybody else seems to think you should repair it. My bike isn't worth enough to me to want to be bothered with having them repaired.
I would say it depends on your risk assessment and risk acceptance.

You said it was holding air pressure and no wobble or bumping. I would ride it myself. I have been labeled a "risk taker" by several people.
Had a similar problem. I used a block of wood and a hammer and gradually bent it back. A little heat might make it easier but I think i did it cold. Never had any problem with the wheel.
Small bends can be self fixed with a blocks a of wood and a press ( or a bottle jack if you can contain it in a location )
but it will require removal from bike and maybe tire too
If the lip is just pushed out a bit like I can see, block of hard wood and a hammer will straighten it. I did this before on car wheels .
Hit a hole in the road and the bead area of the front wheel is bent. Not loosing any pressure and no wobble at speed.
Looking for an opinion if I should be concerned or let it go as I don't notice any problems with it.
By the look of this bent wheel. I would fixing this myself with a woodblock and a big hammer.
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