Bike Cam


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May 13, 2018
Atlanta, GA
Odd Years
I interviewed for an escort gig and the owner asked what kind of camera I’m running on my bike. Normally I stick a GoPro on it and roll on but their “insurance” wants a legit system that is installed to the bike. Having never dealt with this type of situation before, suggestions anyone??
There are a couple threads in the Farkles > Cameras/Videos subforum you may want to read up on. HaloCam M1, INNOVV K2, Cobra 840, and Yi 4K Action Cam all have reviews. There are undoubtedtly others available as well, but these four popped up on Page 1 of the subforum.
The mobile version of the website isn’t that friendly to search. Thanks for the guidance.
I have the K2 and really am pleased with the video quality. I wanted a camera that would automatically turn on and loop so that I could install and forget. If you do a search for cameras there are several threads reviewing different ones.
Take a look at the Innovv and Halocam systems. Both have write-ups at the ST-O link Keith posted. I have the Halocam, but I think both are good.
I have the Halocam M1 also. Here's a link.

Make sure you buy the fastest memory card you can. I use a SanDisk Extreme Pro. The one that Amazon wants to bundle with the Halocam is probably good enough. If you don't use a fast enough video card, the video will become corrupted and worthless.

I have the front camera mounted under the fairing opening, and rear under the top box frame.



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