Bike down, rider ego bruised

Feb 16, 2007
Olympia, WA
2003 ST1300
I had to wait 8 years to pull this trick: parked my bike and didn't put the kickstand down. Surprise!! I suffered a bruised ego, the bike not a scratch.
How in the world could you forget to put the kickstand down? Probably the same way I did. :D And there ain't no way to stop it once it's going. Now I always look at my stand and watch it contact the ground.

I backed mine out of the garage and just laid it down. I didn't even remember putting the stand up.
You mean to say - practiced picking my bike up today, just in case it ever really happens!
Now you know exactly how to pick it up.
Glad there were no injuries. Often the left leg will take a big blow in such an action.

A while back I timed how long it takes me to get into my ballistic pants: 50 seconds. At that point, I decided 50 seconds beats a month in the skin graft ward. So I was ATGATT this morning, looking like an upended turtle next to a bike with the shiny side down, in front of my clinic wondering how many co-workers were laughing. This too shall pass.
Been there, done that, except mine didn't go down. It did have me pinned against a gas pump pretty good until I finally wrestled it off of me and upright again..
Well glad to here it was only the ego that had any temporary damage. Now get back to it and keep it up this time!! :D
Jeff, I just noticed you live in Omak. I've been thru there a few times and love "God's back yard" (Okanogan County). How did you fare during the recent fires?
Except for the smoke, we escaped relatively unscathed. We did lose cable, internet & most cell service for a day or two, only to be compounded by a lightning strike a few days later which knocked them all out again. Most of the fire damage was to our south and west. Lots of activity now with fire and utility crews moving about, trying to keep a handle on containing the fire and rebuilding what it destroyed. Quite a mess. Like most communities in times of crisis, everyone has pulled together and the situation is better. For many, it'll take a long time, if ever, for things to get back to normal.
Except for the smoke, we escaped relatively unscathed. We did lose cable, internet & most cell service for a day or two, only to be compounded by a lightning strike a few days later which knocked them all out again. Most of the fire damage was to our south and west. Lots of activity now with fire and utility crews moving about, trying to keep a handle on containing the fire and rebuilding what it destroyed. Quite a mess. Like most communities in times of crisis, everyone has pulled together and the situation is better. For many, it'll take a long time, if ever, for things to get back to normal.

It will be hard work for everyone, but that's how communities are built. Best of luck to you!
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