Blummin Scratches.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
I inherited these small marks from a previous owner, they're the only the real blemishes on the BeaST and are probably the result of garage or ferry damage. There are about 4 thin scratches which appear white which have gone through the top coat and colour coat.


Whilst looking online for some car door protectors I came across bumper end protectors for £12.00 for a pair. I thought about @ST1100Y of this parish who did something similar to his partners bike and thought I'd give it a whirl, what could go wrong?


Well strangely the answer is nothing went wrong, unless of course they have already fallen off on the garage floor? They are good quality and appear to stick like s... to a blanket.
I measured 478.3 times and affixed once. The plastic is a good match and they're a soft'ish finish. Anybody with a similar problem.....check em out why don't ya.
I just came here to say that I'm disappointed that your 11 is cleaner than my 13.

Must mean I do more miles, or something. Definitely not that I'm more lazy, nope...
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