Brain Surgery !

Blue One

Mar 19, 2008
Canada (Edmonton Alberta) - Texas
04 ABS ST1300
2013 was an awful year for me. In July I had a first ever kidney stone attack and had to have the stone blasted out with a laser during a uroscopy.

After that things were looking up when I had my bad left hip injected in September with a product called Durolane, a concentrated hyaluronic acid which is intended to lubricate and extend the life of the joint.

So far it is working great.

After that things went rather quickly downhill. I was working in my garage in early October and experienced a bad headache. I thought I should head into the house, and had supper and a shower and felt a little better.

The headache stayed with me through the week until Wednesday when I stumbled slightly walking out to the truck to head to work. Went to work as usual that day.

Thursday morning I was unable to stand up well when getting out of bed. Managed to call work and say I would not be in. After that the nausea and vomiting started and my wife helped me get dressed and head for the hospital.

After every test known to man, they had ideas, but were still not sure what was happening. I spent 6 days in hospital during which time I was stabilized and transferred to the University of Alberta hospital, to the neurosurgery ward.

Following more tests I was scheduled for surgery and sent home for a week.

During this time they still did not have a definitive diagnosis. There was scary talk of things like brain tumors etc.

After a couple of days I received a phone call on a Friday evening from my neurosurgeon. They had sent my scans out all over and a diagnosis had come from the surgeon who trained my surgeon out in Montreal.

He knew what it was and that it had to be fixed right away, surgery could not wait. An OR was prepared and early in the AM on Saturday October 19th I went under the knife.

Turns out that what I had was a leaking blood vessel that was leaking blood and building up pressure in my brain. A Fistula is what it's called a bad connection between an artery and a vein that should not be there.

I had the surgery and then came the recovery. Once treated these things don't come back, thank God for that. They also do not really know why they are there, mine apparently had been there for a long time before showing itself.

Just Had my 6 month MRI and visit with the neurosurgeon and was told that all is well and that I do not have to come back.

I will still experience small headaches possibly for another year but they too will eventually fade.

Here's to a great 2014 and I'm hoping to put a few miles on the fast blue beast for the first time in almost 3 years.

Thanks to my great Texas sweetheart wife Jan who was with me all through this and with her faith we were carried through.

I now have a rather impressive scar behind my left ear. :)



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Great to hear you beat the clock and it will never again come back to haunt you. Your riding will be even more meaningful now.
Wow. I've done the kidney stone thing and wouldn't wish that on anybody. I didn't think it could get much worse than that, but you're giving it a go. :( Glad to hear they've got you patched up and you're on the mend. Hoping you continue to heal well and quickly, and can put some enjoyable miles on the STeed this summer!
Hope your road to recovery is short and your travels on the fast blue beast are long.

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Prayers for a complete recovery! Glad they figured it out and helped you before it did irreversible damage. Just keep thinking about the bike, and it will be better before you know it.;)
I would say you have paid your dues and deserve a lot of smooth sailing. Best of luck to you.
Wow that is one heck of a scary story! Glad the doctors caught the problem and we hope you never have any more problems like that! Get well and back to riding soon.
Good years ahead, good years ahead, glad you have the opportunity to live them.
Thanks very much guys, I was off work for a full 3 months and this has been a rough road to be sure.

I'm back to work and most things are pretty much normal. I still have a few small issues,things that are getting better as time passes.

It's great to be here :)
Wow! Glad you came out of that OK. That must have been freaking scary for you and your wife.

You were lookin' good at lunch in March, glad to hear the 6 month update went well.
Looking fwd to some RTE this year IF it ever stops snowing...yeeesh.
Bad news, then better news, then great news. Heard many a horror story from guys with kidney stones, most say cranberry juice seems to work as preventative to another event.
Glad to hear you're doing well.
So glad that things are finally headed in the right direction. Continue to get better.
Great to hear things are coming along!!! We missed you around here!!! Praying for you and your family!!!


So glad to hear that you are coming through all of this with PMA, Positive Mental Attitude.........

I mean kidney stones are bad enough, but the rest of this is scary.

I hope that you continue to heal well and can get back to riding soon...

Makes you appreciate every day you get, doesn't it!
Holy Cow Larry!

Glad they got to it. Good luck on the healing process but sounds like you are going to be great.
Good to hear thing are turning around and going your way for a change.. It sounds like your blessed to have someone that is there for you.. Enjoy every day,, good or bad.
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