Braking Problems

Dec 20, 2020
Hi To All Again
I have in the past mentioned what i think is poor brakes on my ST the front brake lever seems to require a bit of force to operate it and that is in any position on the adjuster it has passed its MOT like this but the other day i had a near miss with a cyclist he was in a cycle lane and i was about to pass him i was at least 9 or ten feet to his right when i notice him wander a bit so i backed off bearing in mind i am at about 25 - 30mph he with no indication came right across the front off me his aim was to reach the pavement on the otherside of the road in order to avoid the traffic lights i did not have time to hit the horn just the brakes how i missed him i do not know, now i have another MC that has the same braking system and if i had exerted the same force used here i would have been at least sitting ontop of the tank,.
Now here is where it gets more complicated or interesting im not sure but when its raining the brakes are much sharper, now any other motocycle i have owned ( ive had over 15) this would not occur. I have fitted Honda OEM pads front and back and not too long ago i did the throttle body sync and i stripped cleaned and greased the brakes and checked the SMC was working and about 9 mths ago i changed fluid and caliper seals and new pistons in the rear as they were pitted. I Know bleeding the sytem can be a pain but i have done it several times following intstruction from various great people on here and ive had no problems. i just cant explain this, my othere bike CBR1100 has EBC HH and they are terrible in the wet and when the brakes are cold. I feel iam missing something on this and we in the UK are now entering winter and my MOT is due in Jan and would like to sort this out now as i intend to put the ST off the road Jan and Feb for maintenace and the fact that i now stay in a rural location ice and snow have already hit here but not enough to keep me in
thanks again
Have you inspected and lubed the brake lever? Look for worn brass bushings, both in the pivot and the little push rod socket. Are the levers OEM? Shorty aftermarket ones would obviously reduce your leverage. Last thought is old degraded rubber lines?
I have greased the push rod at the master cyclinder and its original brake levers the bike is a 2005 its possible on the brake lines but i dont understand why it works better in the rain
I was thinking of replacing the piston in the master cylinder over the winter
thanks for your reasponse
I wonder if aftermarket pads were run at one point. There might be a layer/residue from those pads that is incompatible with the OEM compound? I’ve read about this possibility but I’ve switched brands before and not experienced a residual effect like that.
The pads i removed were EBC the main reason for the replacement was the SMC had failed and i was dragging the back wheel and it had burned through the pads and this is when i replaced t he the rear pistons and seals all round, wish i had someone local with and ST to have a comparison. The cyclist incident does have me a bit on edge and I know there is a big weight difference between my two bikes but i do feel i should be stopping a bit quicker
thanks again
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