Came home to collapsed bike (Pic)

Mountain Mike

I frequent the IBA Motel
Apr 28, 2008
Bellingham, MA
Short story:

Hurricane roaring up the east coast towards Boston, and I am leaving for the weekend with the girlfriend.

So I do something I never do, propped the bike on the center stand in my driveway between two buildings, rather than the side stand out back, thinking it will be a little more stable if it gets windy.

I come home after hearing the hurricane was a dud to find out the pavement caved in under the center stands reduced surface area and left a softball sized hole in the driveway. :(


Busted mirror housing, but mirror folded in without harm THANKS KAREN! Luggage all scratched down to the primer. All in all repaired the mirror with glue, back in the saddle.
With the ground giving way even the side stand may not have saved yah.
Not not a great way to find your ride in any situation :(
Man... sorry to hear that.. BUT glad you're up and running again!

I read a thread debating side/center stand...and the general consensus is....<drum roll>

The side stand is stabler in high winds. 3 points of contact...(think tripod vs. bipod) . Bigger footprint. MUCH harder to tip over. (Not that it matters if the ground gives way!) ;)

I learned something today. Glad your issue wasn't worse.
Your 1100 was just trying to save you a trip to the hospital with a broken ankle. A hole of that size in the dark could really injure you!!!!!!!
I'm sorry she had to trade parts for your protection but a loyal bike is willing to that for it's rider.:D:D

Sorry to hear about the tip. Never fun.
Well, technically the centerstand does have two feet.... so if you add the front tire touching the ground that's technically 3 points of contact.......... :D:D :D:D

If you don't stop teasing me..I'll have Kempo show you 3 points of contact! :D
Mr. Technicality!
Um, Mike...character marks? :rolleyes:

Definitely the sidestand in windy conditions.
Rideable is good, pretty is better. But either way a bike is supposed to be patiently waiting for it's owner - on both wheels! I forget my high school physics but I'm pretty sure that is Newton's 17th law...
Mike, sorry to hear about this bummer deal.... I usually park on the side stand in gear with a pad, thinking three points of contact are better than two little ones....... I'll see you in a couple of days, my friend!!
Well jeez, Mike, that bites!! Glad it wasn't worse though - we'll all gather around to survey the boo-boos this weekend!

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