Coldest Ride, 2021-2022 Winter

Good job rjs....way to set the bar a little higher lol.

I did ride my quad this morning to plow the snow off the driveway, but the street is still covered.
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Had a golden opportunity to move up to #2 but I wussed out, LOL. Forecast was for single digits (actually saw 5 deg in the car) but I just can't bring myself to wear my heated pants/insoles to work. PITA taking all that gear off. My self imposed limit is 15* on work days with a 25 mile commute. So I guess I'll wait for another chilly forecast on one of my off days and I'll suit up proper and head out. Ride safe fellow polar bears.
No single digits lows predicted this way yet, but there is a 13 and a 14 predicted for next Thur and Fri mornings a week out.
Only down to around 13F when I went outside this morning and up to 19F now. This is why I didn't ride today...
When I first opened the garage door.

After I worked at it for a few hours with the 2 stage snow thrower. I live on a corner lot so there is a long side sidewalk as well as from the right of the driveway to the side street on the left just off the first photo above (the fire hydrant on the left above is about 35ft from the corner). Same length for both sidewalks.

And this is a close up of that yard stick you see in the photo above stuck in where the level seemed about average depth.

The official report for West Des Moines is 11.5 inches. It looked like if I were to go out to the middle of the lawn I would likely see a few inches more than this shows.
Once again my north facing driveway is a bad idea. That driveway across the street is facing south and already is starting to clear off so much more than mine just due to the sun.
In the bigger city just east of my home the official total is 14.3 inches and areas just north of us received up to 12.9 inches.

Oh, and BTW, I do know that areas just east of any of the great lakes will very likely have double what we got here. Called "Lake effect snow" which is something WE don't have so we don't get the extra boost of snow depth they do. We get this all without any extra "Lake effect" help.
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plugged the tire from a screw when out last time to NYC. Watched the temp gauge drop until no numbers. Stopped for gas, the temp gauge read again. Started moving and she cut out again @ 14 F. Rode around looking for a time temp sign, none to be had. Had 6F in the truck 7F on the weather app.

I’m going with 7F.
Crazy Cold. Be safe out there, hug your loved ones

I’m off to the Sauna for some 220F.
Well, out of the game for a week or two. I've been having an issue with the heated grips on my AK. I did also connect my heated gloves but since the heated grips are a factory feature I decided now is the time to get warranty repairs done on it before any more time passes. Seems that when the temps were lower than 29-28F the heated grips system would shut down within a mile of home and throw an error code on the grip LED indicator. Imagine that, heated grips that stop working when it gets cold! :eek: Anyway, I wanted to be sure the dealer had the right conditions to see the problem. There is no problem with the heated grips as long as the temps stay above 30F so they'd never see the issue unless they take it for a 2 mile ride when temps are very cold... like it will be for the next week (highs below 25F).

So far all my cold rides this year have been using my heated gloves because of this issue so today I trailered my AK 550 to the dealer for some warranty care. Nearest dealer is in Iowa City 125 miles away. This is also the nearest BMW place so if my bike were a BMW and needed to be taken to the shop for work this would be the dealer it would go to. A former co-worker who rode 50 miles daily on his BMW would go to this place. And the only reason I put it on a trailer is because the roads around my home and on all the side streets near me still look a lot like in that photo I posted above! More cleared of white but still ice floes everywhere now. What has me bummed about this is that tomorrow's high will be a balmy 10F and the low on Friday morning will be around -12F and that will repeat a week from now at -13F! Well, the weather will change between now and then but still cold enough to change my temp downward.

We still have February and temps have been known to get fairly low during that month as well.
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:oops: Should've bought a Honda... :D

If you were really dedicated (and I'm not), you could put the studs from car tires in your scooter tires and then you could ride on icy streets. It wouldn't help your heated grips any, but think of the street cred you'd have when you pulled into the dealership on the bike.

To bad that I am not allowed to compete. With the forecasted temperatures that we have for the next few days, I would pole-vault to the top of the list by a long-shot.
This will be the coldest stretch of weather that we have had so far this winter.

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To bad that I am not allowed to compete. With the forecasted temperatures that we have for the next few days, I would poll-vault to the top of the list by a long-shot.
This will be the coldest stretch of weather that we have had so far this winter.
Not allowed or not able because your bike is in storage? Are those temps °C or °F?
To bad that I am not allowed to compete. With the forecasted temperatures that we have for the next few days, I would poll-vault to the top of the list by a long-shot.
This will be the coldest stretch of weather that we have had so far this winter.

Pole-vaulting would only be one thing you'd be doing... the luge, downhill, slolum.. among other olympic activities. Minus the Russian judge.
Not allowed or not able because your bike is in storage?
Not allowed because of a mandatory winter tire requirement that the law doesn't have a sense of humour about.
Are those temps °C or °F?
Sorry Paul, I didn't even notice that it wasn't indicated on the screen. Those temperatures are Celsius.
-32 C is -26 F. The high for the day of -20 C is -4 F.
Quebec has rules about mandatory winter tires for all vehicles between December 15 and March 15 so it's impossible for him to ride.
It was changed a few years ago and starts as of December 1st.
Not impossible. There is no law against riding a motorcycle in Québec during this period, as long as it has winter rated tires. These are available, but I don't want to participate in this competition badly enough to find, purchase and install them.

By the way, this law doesn't apply to any vehicle that has out of province plates so you, and anyone else reading this, are free to come on over for a ride. Your reward will be the coldest ride title- for now.
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By the way, this law doesn't apply to any vehicle that has out of province plates so you, and anyone else reading this, are free to come on over for a ride. Your reward will be the coldest ride title- for now.

I could get those low temps here right now if the roads were at all safe to drive on. I haven't been into Quebec now in almost 3 years. (Just before the pandemic)
Thanks Andrew. I assumed they were Celsius, but I was thinking -4°F wasn't that cold for you. ;)

I certainly would participate either if I were in your shoes. Heck, I can't really participate even in my own shoes. ;)
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I have a buddy in southern Ontario that was out riding at -20C (-4F) the other day on his Africa Twin
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I have a buddy in southern Ontario that was out riding at -20C (-4F) the other day on his Africa Twin

The cold doesn't prevent me from riding.
I've downhill skied, snowmobiled, hiked, ice fished etc. in colder temps.
I have the gear to make it all work, be safe and comfy out in the cold.
It's the darned roads that won't co-operate with keeping the bike upright that's the issue.
(And the wife who thankfully is my voice of reason when I want to go out and convince myself it's not that bad when it actually is.)
Yea me either Obo, I can dress for the cold, but don't get much traction on the snow and ice lol. I have ridden at -9F back in 1982 and -2 as recently as the Cold ride contest a couple of years ago, but we don't regularly get below zero temps here in Southern Ohio. We do get below freezing..about 19 days a year. A couple single digit mornings coming this weekend.

That was in response to Andrew Shadow. I guess they have different rules in Montreal and Ontario, as he is allowed to ride in Ontario.
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I wonder if ice riding and timbersleds would be allowed and count? :)

That was ruled out a few years ago. Back when I was ice riding on a regular basis.
I'd really like to try those TimberSled setups sometime, and sometime soon as I'm finding it takes too long lately for my 58yo body to recover from trail rides and stuff (especially if I'm tossed a time or two when getting too aggressive).

I doubt a TimberSled trial will be without getting tossed a time or two.

Kent Larson in Minnesota
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