Congrats to Bob Donaldson - 2010 Top Mileage Rider


Dec 1, 2004
'21 RT
2024 Miles
Based on the Mileage Tracker for 2010 Bob (BDondald) was the #1 highest mileage rider
on the site (72,710) - just edging out Tom Loftus, last year's winner (100,948 miles), by a mere 216 miles.

Both of these guys were averaging 199 miles A DAY so the top 2 positions were just over a day of riding apart.

The gap between 2nd and 3rd was 1,966 miles by Zooker13 in California at 70,528 (LOL.. and that was 3rd place!)

Just wanted to give a shout out to Bob for being the high mileage rider last year but also to
all those other riders our there that were able to put so many great miles on their bikes.

Many of us may never put these kind of numbers up for a single year but that's okay,
any riding is good riding.

Just wanted to say thanks to those that are able to spend that kind of time in the saddle
and for sharing your experiences with us.
I hope to one day have the time to ride that much. Congratulations and Good on you Bob!
Way to go Bob!!! I think I said at the end of last year, that Bdonald was going to be up at the top. Super job to all those over 60K.
Congrats Bob!!

...when I retire in 25 years, I hope to put that many miles on my 2035 hybrid battery/nuclear reactor powered Wing...
Way to ride to all those big number riders!

Now where is that 'bow' emoticon when I need it!

Congratulations to all of you.
Is there a lowest miles award,That would be me if I did't have STOC/RTE's to go to(Nice riding with all)
Congratulations Bob!

I have a few words to contribute in honor of Bob. I met Bob at FloridaSTOC 2009. I didn't know anything about him at the time. Wasn't aware of his miles and miles he piles on each year. Dave Doolin was leading a bunch of us around Florida and found some relatively twistie roads. I was behind Bob but couldn't keep up. He was on his ST1300, not the Wing. I was thinking to myself, how fast can this ole fart go? Not that I'm a benchmark but I can tell you that Bob knows how to ride.

Bob is a perfect gentleman, never loud or boisterous. He is very mild mannered and easy to talk to. He has lots of interesting stories. If you get the opportunity to chat with Bob you'll come away with the same respect for him I have, I promise.

Here's a few snapshots in my archives.

Here's Bob setting up camp at Flagler Beach, FL.


Waiting for dinner at FLSTOC.


At GeezerSTOC Bob was drooling, waiting for a chance to dig in to the clam chowder.


This one was taken at OzarkSTOC 2010. Mr. Donaldson and Mr. Padden traded career stories of flying twin rotor helicopters in the military. Bob and I shared sleeping quarters that night. PM me for the details. Bob decided to follow me leaving the next day for an early departure. My alarm went off in the wee hour and before I could open my eyelids Bob was up and dressed. Can't get the military out of the boy, I guess!


Looking forward to any event I can attend 2011 with Mr. Donaldson present.

Bob, hope 2011 is even better for you than 2010. Keep on truckin'
Congratulations Bob! It is hard to top some of the nice things these folks have said about you. They are all true, but I got them all beat are my adopted Brother!
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