coolant leak, right side

We use those barbed fittings at work to connect air hoses to valves and actuators. We get them from McMaster Carr. Warning you will have to cut the hose end to remove it from the fitting.

I got the fittings from K.G Chase , our local brass and hose connections store. These fittings are fairly common though. McMaster Carr is also an excellent place to get them. McMaster Carr has everything you can think of and ship very quickly. Our stores inventory guy at work orders from them all the time and is still surprised at how fast they deliver.
Side note....through my research on a replacement plastic tee, I found lots of aluminum, brass and steel tees, but none with different sized ends on them like we need. It seems some high end cars have the plastic leaking tee syndrome also, and they sell brass and aluminum replacements for them. But they are all the same sized ends, easy to find.
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