Dad is gone

I have not lost my father yet and don't even want to think how hard this would be.. I can only pray for you and your family's strength during this very tough time!. I know the memories will be visited many times in the next few weeks. Please make sure your family will have the same things to visit if the same thing was to happen to you!!!
2 Corinthians Ch 5 v 8.

Whilst sorrow has come to you and those around you, yet there is rejoicing because of the content of the passage from 2 Corinthians Chapter 5.

Please accept our condolences, but as one who trusts in Christ, please also accept that we rejoice with your father who is with His Saviour.

Sorry for your loss, but we know he is starting a new and better life!

God Bless
Dave, sorry to hear about your loss, thoughts and prayers are sent to you and your family.
I know from experience that no words can fill the void. However, reading these responses are a tremendous booster each time you read them.
We had a wonderful time at Dad's memorial service. About 100 friends showed up for the funeral at church, and about 80 stayed for the meal afterwards. We had a great time remembering Dad. He was a character in many ways, but was a great father. He had a dry sense of humor, which many people commented on. He showed me how to be a man of integrety, honor and faithfulness, which I hope I am showing to my two children as well. I know alot of folks don't have good memories of their fathers, but mine was really great. Fathers day will be special for me this year, and in the years to come. Now on to life without Dad. It will be different, but knowing I'll see him again someday, makes this just a "see you later" thing and not a goodby. Thanks again for all your prayers and condolances. They are felt. Dave.
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