Fingers crossed

I'm sure, given the situation, most would excuse you for being "Pissed Off"...

Good luck Geo and report back soon!

Good luck George, I will be pullin' for you. Wait a sec, that didn't sound right.
I'm betting it's a UTI, George, and yep...they can be mighty uncomfortable!
Glad to hear you're taking care of it quickly; bet the doc'll have you fixed up in two :eek::

Good luck, in a pinch there used to be a urologist in Salina Ks, who used his personalized license plate to drum up business... " 2PCME".
George....nothing that you can't fix yourself ? (LOL)...don't think duct tape would be a good idea....sending love and positive vibes for something minor....nothing slows George Catt down, that's for sure!

George, you are tooooo young to get sick!!! Dang you need to get older than me and Bob first. Good luck with this and prayers for a good result.
I'm betting it's a UTI, George, and yep...they can be mighty uncomfortable!
Glad to hear you're taking care of it quickly; bet the doc'll have you fixed up in two :eek::


Maybe take your temp and see if it's up? That might be a clue that it's an infection. I've never had one but my Dad has a few times, symptoms sound similar.
Cranberry juice. I've had the "burn when peeing" thing and a friend said, among drinking more water, to start drinking more cranberry juice. Sure enough...a day later and no more issues. I've done this on 2 separate occasions and both times it cleared up no prob. To prevent it from happening anymore, I cut back my soda intake and bumped up my water intake.
Hey George, if you are coming thru Tupelo, MS, I can get you in to see a specialist......& she has really small fingers. Don't ask me why I know.....I just know. ;) Good luck.

George. I am praying for a quick diagnoses and recovery! But try that Cranberry thing.. My Dad swears by the stuff!!
What a pisser George... hope this clears up fast.

There's a smart-:pie1::pie1::pie1::pie1::pie1: in every crowd, usually it's me. :D

Saw a Nurse Practioner today, nice gal, slim finger. :D :D

Infection, some blood, enlarged prostate. Put me on antibiotics and pain killer (prescription strength of the same stuff) and prostate med. I'll run the full course, get some blood tests, get an appointment with the Proctologist, do a follow up in three months. (No blood in the stool, good news.)

So, just general old age. It was bound (pun intended) to happen. I still blame Danny!! :crackup

After all this, I'll get the roto-rooter just like Danny so I don't have to take the prostate meds long term. Hate the thought of that.
Apparently no one else thought about the "fingers crossed" not being a good thing during a probe.

Good luck. It sounds like good news to me.

See you at NatSTOC.
Good vibes heading to you, George, wherever you happen to be...which could be anywhere since, after all, you are George. :)
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