First drop.....embarassing!!

Jun 25, 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
Well I decided to start taking the ST to work, seeing as it is a 60 mile round trip commute and only a few lights and the rest 76mph interstate. I was all excited and really had a hard time turning off of the interstate instead of just keeping on going, but I figured I at least could show off my new STeed to the boys at work. I pull in and 3 or 4 people in the control room saw the bike and said " oh look that looks like John on a nice bike" and promptly watched me go by and then went to the window as I made the turn aroung the corner of the building and watched as I tried to make a U turn in two parking spaces so that I would be facing out, but instead dropped it on it's side. I don't even think I was moving forward anymore, because the only damage, besides my PRIDE, was the tip over wing plastic cover.
Yep... Been there done that...

My 1st drop was walking it over to show my co-workers my new bike. It was dark and I stepped off the edge of the pavement about a 6 inch drop where they had been doing constructions and had dug it out.

Needless to say over she went!

Very embarassing but at least now you got it over with.

Glad nothing else was hurt.

First and Last... You hope! LOL. Here's your TOA!

Don't worry, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th drops are equally as embarrassing...
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