First Ride with ProShot camera mount - I'm NOT Noraly

Great ride to work through some nice-looking territory, and no freeways!
The freeway gets me there about 6 minutes quicker - IF there's no crash or jam-up - but I like the relative serenity of the slower pace, plus it's 10 - 15 degrees cooler due to the shade. Nicer views, as you noted.
I didn't watch the whole video, but I did notice that at the 1:30 mark there is very clearly a stop line on the road that you just rode right through.

He had the green light.

I tried this mount as well, my main issue with it is that the majority of the view of the road is seen through the windscreen. I like the idea of having it on the helmet so I can direct the view to what I am interested in, just not a big fan of how low down it is. Noraly does not have as much "interference" as most of us do. Also, I find I swing my head around a lot more than I thought I did. Watching a video taken from my helmet makes one dizzy!
Ditto on the head checks in video. While it's good practice to do this while riding, it does not lend itself to smooth video watching.
I turned my head some for the video panoramas, but tried to cut my eyes to view the road ahead, and this got tiring as well.
I've only used it twice now, due to that @&×/"&^+ mounting bolt, but it seems to segment the videos after about 12 minutes, then it keeps recording to a new file. I'll get back to you with more info.
Also, while I merely processed the first clip in Camtasia (not absolutely required), I see now that I could have / should have accelerated the video in several spots, for a shorter overall length. And as noted, some soundtrack would be welcome.
Thanks for all the feedback!
They will get better.
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