For those that pray

Nov 10, 2012
Holderness, NH
ST1300 2012
I would appreciate some for my daughter in law Melissa and my about to be emergency born via c-section grandson Jacob. Melissa and my son Christopher were vacationing in Florida (they live near me in New Hampshire) when Melissa collapsed this morning from preeclampsia. She is barely 6 months along and is going into surgery as I type this.

Pre thanks to all ..
Prayers lifted in the name of Christ.

May the words of Psalm 139 13-16 be comforting.
Sorry I'm late seeing this, Scott, but I'm so glad Melissa and Jacob came through it OK. I know little Jacob has a tough road ahead but with all this positive energy going his way, he's bound to get well and strong. Congratulations on your new grandson; sending good thoughts to you all.

Congrats on the new grandson! Both my little ones were born 2 months early and spend that time in the NICU (neonatal I.C.U.) until they came home. I can attest to the abilities that are there to help the little ones along the way. Now that the first part of this journey is done, prayers sent for the road that's now ahead.
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