Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cables

Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

Go for it. @ $200ish I'd by one.
Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

I won't spend $300+ for a new one but would gladly spend $200 on a improved one made by an ST owner, mine is broke so I only have one position.
Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

Mine is broken too. :(
-Steve in Phx.
Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

I'd be interested in a better designed unit. Mine is still working, but I use it a lot and I run a Calsci XL windscreen. I'm thinking it's only a matter of time before it bites the dust. Keep us posted, and thanks for all the work you're doing on it. :)
Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

I don't see a solution to this anytime soon so I bit the bullet and ordered a new mechanism from Dillon Brothers (
$327 + $11 shipping.
That was the cheapest I could find.
Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

I have not seen the workings of my windshield yet, but I know a few things about machines. I think a belt is better, less maintenance, cleaner and smoother operation. And how about grease nipples?
Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

I'm late to this thread, but I'd be VERY interrested. My shield has not been working for over a year now.

By the way, you should contact "STony G" he has done some work on the rails and discovered a probable cause of the premature life span of the mechanism. It turns out that the tracks have a bump (for a lack of better term) that hinders the movement, thus causing undo stress. He has found that a tiny bit of grinding in the right spot frees up movement on the guides. I'm sure if you drop him a line, he would be much better at describing the situation to you. He might have pictures as well, but if memory serves the only way to really get the point is to feel the movement of the stock guide and the modified one Tony has.

Either way, please put me on the notify list if you come up with something.

- Don
Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

I'm late to this thread, but I'd be VERY interrested. My shield has not been working for over a year now.

By the way, you should contact "STony G" he has done some work on the rails and discovered a probable cause of the premature life span of the mechanism. It turns out that the tracks have a bump (for a lack of better term) that hinders the movement, thus causing undo stress. He has found that a tiny bit of grinding in the right spot frees up movement on the guides. I'm sure if you drop him a line, he would be much better at describing the situation to you. He might have pictures as well, but if memory serves the only way to really get the point is to feel the movement of the stock guide and the modified one Tony has.

Either way, please put me on the notify list if you come up with something.

- Don

Yeah, I have been all through the mechanism and there are lots wrong with the design of it. A big part is the lube used turns hard in cold weather and acts more like a glue than a lube. Then there are the parts that you mentioned that have to be carefully tightened or they cause binding further making movement all but impossible. The solution I am looking at will get rid of the cable mechanism all together which is the source of most of our problems. It will be a while before I have a working prototype working. It may go into this summer. I think there is enough interest in this redesign to go forward with it so I will keep things updated as I make progress.
Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

Hi am in the uk and have been following your thread. As it happens i have a 1300st abs and guess what the cables have stripped every thing else works fine. So what to do ? i need a fresh system so put me down for one please. thanks hambone.
Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

Hi Sennister.
Have you been able to make any progress on this matter? I am certain useful quantities of a non-Honda alternative could be sold on both sides of the Atlantic even at the same price as a Honda original if it was thought the replacement would be better. The big problem in my mind is the lack of space inside the front cowling.
Derek French (Dex).
Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

I'm interested too. Any updates on the progress, Sennister?
Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

Well add me to the list of broken shield drive units. Stripped gear in mine..

It is the main thing I like about the bike so I will probably buckle down and buy a new requlator.
Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

Well add me to the list of broken shield drive units. Stripped gear in mine..

It is the main thing I like about the bike so I will probably buckle down and buy a new requlator.


Anybody got an easier answer for me? $400 ...SUCKS.
I think there is enough interest in this redesign to go forward with it so I will keep things updated as I make progress.

Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

I have been looking at this a little more in the last few weeks. I still have the base idea. The problem for me is producing the brackets needed to attach to the mechanism that will support the acme threaded rods. I have a spare mechanism with a broken drive that I can use for testing but this last year at work has been, well crazy to say the least. I just haven't had much time to wrench on this project. I also pretty much close up my shop where my lathe and tools are in the winter as it is way too spendy to heat to a temp where I can work out there. The wife about killed me one month when out heating bill was over $800. I have been out there a little more lately as it hasn't been that cold but I have been focusing on getting my 1300 back together for a run to Moonshine in a few weeks.

The best as much as I would like to get my windscreen drive up and running again. It hasn't been that much of a big deal manually moving it once the drive gear is removed.

So is the project dead. No, but it is on pause for at least a few more weeks until the 1300 is back on the road.
Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

Yes I bought a new one 401.00 including tax (ouch!!)

Looking at the new one operating I noted the cable spins as it goes up and down.

I think if the slides jam or the cable gets stuck the gears will start to bite into the plastic coating on the cable once thru the plastic the gear will chew it self up on the metal cable itself. So both the cable and the gear would need replacement or a whole new design.
Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

Yeah, that isn't the only design issue. Have you looked at how hard it is to move the windscreen up and down with the gear out? There was way too much resistance in the system to have the cables and gear stand a chance of a long life. Think of it like a garage door opener. There is a reason those big springs or torsion bars are in place. They aid in lifting the door to take the load off the motor. If those springs were not there or there was too much resistance, the gears in the opener would quickly strip out. Then if you add in a big windscreen and/or moving it at speed then you are asking for trouble. That is the idea behind doing some other method of powering it.

If I were to buy a new mechanism, I would pull the drive gear and test the resistance in the mechanism. There are some bolts that hold the mechanism to the track. I would look at loosening them and securing them with tocktite. Make sure things are lubed up and moves smooth.
Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

My windshield decided take it's turn on the Pappy's RTE and decided to get crooked in the track. Afraid to take it apart and find the $400 gremlin hiding under there.

Any headway into a redesign for this?
Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

Not yet. Nobody's stepped up to have new gears made. I just replaced mine a couple months ago.

No need to tear it apart to check it out.. only to replace. If only one side moves, it's toast.
Re: Gauging Interest: Replacement Drive System for ST1300 Windscreen Motor/gear/cable

Mine has just failed, but I think I've found a solution.

I have found a gear-cutting engineer here in England who machine a replacement gear for the one that fails. Added to that is the possibility (to be researched this weekend) of changing around the drive cables - left becomes right and vice versa. If my thinking is right, this latter action would mean that the new gear will engage with virgin, unused cable. Effectively a brand new motor! If I'm lucky...

I'll let you know how it works out. If all goes well, I'll be able to get any number of the new gear made and price them accordingly. Tooling and set up won't be cheap, but the pain will be minimised by spreading it over a few dozen people.

If you're interested, you'll need to be patient: I have a holiday coming up, plus the tooling will take a while.
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