"Gears" heated clothing


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Apr 27, 2013
Stratford, Ontario Canada
It's getting colder up here and I've been giving my heated gear a good workout. These past few days I've finally been using all of the gear I accumulated. I'm running "Gears " It's a Canadian company that has their product made in India. The control devices are big and bulky but are easy to operate with a gloved hand. It is reasonably priced and functional.
My set-up consists of a Full jacket, heated glove liners, heated chaps and heated insoles. I added the chaps this year.
The chaps aren't the easiest thing to put on, I have found that after you clip the waistband on it's best to sit on a chair and then fasten the 6 velcro straps required to have the leg of the garment fitted. pull on your riding pants and make sure the wires for the electric socks or insoles are exposed at the ankle. To control the heat to the feet there's a large on off switch connected to a Y connector. The other end of the connector plugs into the jacket. you can choose whether you want to pair the jacket with the chaps or the gloves. (I chose the gloves) The jacket is on it's own circuit.
Some would argue heated gear below the waist isn't necessary due to the fairing but I must say it was a welcome comfort to have warm legs and feet.
I could ride for hours at 4 degrees C.
The photo shows the controller, I clip it onto my tank bag for easy access. I have a switched relay that feeds power to the connector at the base of the shelter.

Staying warm in the great white north. ;)


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Love heated gear. The chaps thing is interesting except usually you wear heated gear next to your skin or over a very thin base layer. I have the Warm&Safe pants liner, which also heats the knees. That's where I need it the most. Optional plugs for heated socks. W&S jacket liner has the same options for gloves, etc.
I started off over 10 years ago with a used set of heated gear seat consisting of gloves, jacket and pants, socks. About $200 off of ebay from a guy in Florida (??). He said he never used them, I wonder why.

Traded them in for W & S jacket, gloves and socks. Great stuff, makes riding in cool and cold temps comfortable. Never used my old heated pants more than once or twice, found that non mesh JR pants plus liner worked well for me.
Traded them in for W & S jacket, gloves and socks. Great stuff, makes riding in cool and cold temps comfortable. Never used my old heated pants more than once or twice, found that non mesh JR pants plus liner worked well for me.
Your pair of W&S gloves have been great Phil, as has my W&S jacket. Merino wool long johns and socks take care of my lower half.
i started with first gen tourmaster heated jacket liner, gloves, and chaps, hated the chaps and only used them a couple times. bought gerbing heated pants liner which i like much better but mostly i wear a pair of cabela's fleece lined jeans under my riding pants
hated the chaps and only used them a couple times
I can understand that feeling. The ones I have require some effort, so it has to be part of the plan for riding that day.
found that non mesh JR pants plus liner worked well for me.
I currently have the Olympia mesh pants with a liner, it isn't too bad with thermal long underwear underneath, however the chaps are a bonus on a long ride of 8+hours ;)
I have ridden 8-10 hours in 2c temps,,, with this combination. Along with Widder heated vest,, arms and gloves,, the only thing that is cold is my feet when riding long time below 5c. The ST13 gives off enough heat, on the legs and through the seat, but not enough left for the feet (I find). I could throw in my ski boot heaters (6 hours limit),,, but the need does not come up that often. CAt'
I have a Widder vest and gloves, that are getting long in the tooth. They've served me well, but the cords are getting sketchy and have been repaired (by me) at least once.
Warm 'n Safe has great appeal to me; not only do they offer a trade-in allowance for used Widder stuff, they also offer MSF RiderCoach discounts.
With all the farkles I've added - and still plan to add - to the ST, I may try to stretch the Widder out for one more season.
Question for you heated riders - do you find the jacket sleeves add a lot to staying warm, as opposed to a heated vest? The vest has saved many a ride through the years, but WNS only offers jacket options.
Never had my long arms go cold, as long as I could keep my core temp stable with a vest / gloves.
Question for you heated riders - do you find the jacket sleeves add a lot to staying warm, as opposed to a heated vest? The vest has saved many a ride through the years, but WNS only offers jacket options.
I've been using a heated jacket (Gerbing first and now a WnS) for about 7 years now. Have never used a vest, but when I was buying, I thought why would I get just a vest when I can get a full jacket? I do like the warmth on my arms and believe the small extra cost for the jacket is well worth it. Plus, it makes it very easy to attach my electric gloves to my jacket without having to run cables down my arms. Also, there's a 20% WnS discount for STOC members. Bottom line is, I like to be warm and a jacket is warmer than a vest.
I've been using a heated jacket (Gerbing first and now a WnS) for about 7 years now. Have never used a vest, but when I was buying, I thought why would I get just a vest when I can get a full jacket?
Agree, and I thought the same, but at the time Widder didn't offer a jacket - just the vest.

Plus, it makes it very easy to attach my electric gloves to my jacket without having to run cables down my arms.
Now, THAT right there just about says all I need - those vest cords to the gloves connection was a bit of extra fumbling. But, ya gotta learn to live with what ya can't rise above. (With apologies to Bruce Springsteen.)
I was always wishing there were a better system than that, but I guess I'm talking nearly 20 years ago. Now there are more options, but I like discounts.
Also have to be WARM (-ish) for longer rides. As I say, "There's a reason I don't live in Minnesota."
No offense intended to those who do. :D
Question for you heated riders - do you find the jacket sleeves add a lot to staying warm, as opposed to a heated vest? The vest has saved many a ride through the years, but WNS only offers jacket options.
I had only used widder heated vests until I recently added the arm chaps. That is much better for the long hauls below 5c. Now,,, an under-jacket would be much more convenient than suiting up in the arm chaps,, I think. And it sounds like something you could wear separately (unheated) around the campfire, if desired ?? CAt'
Yes, many of us are often sitting around the campfire with our electric jacket on during a Spring or Fall STOC event.
Question for you heated riders - do you find the jacket sleeves add a lot to staying warm, as opposed to a heated vest? The vest has saved many a ride through the years, but WNS only offers jacket options.
Never had my long arms go cold, as long as I could keep my core temp stable with a vest / gloves.

My experience has been that having heat over a larger portion of my body allows me to run everything at a lower setting overall, reducing the likelihood of "hot spots" and potential burns (something that happened to me with my old Hotwired gear... P.S., don't buy Hotwired gear).
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