H4 LED Headlamp Adapter Rings

These adapters are not required on the ST1300- only the ST1100.
When using these adapters on the ST1100 you will still need to break off or bend the two lower tabs out of the way.
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The ST1100 relies on all three tabs to support the bulb something like some overhead light fixtures need all three screws to keep the glass from falling. Those adapter rings aka shims provide that support in the proper orientation, after the lower H4 tabs are sorted.

The ST1300 has a rim in the headlight shells that supports the base of the bulb not the tabs. The tabs are only for orientation and keeping the 'wrong' bulb from being inserted. So only the top tab is needed.

This is a source of constant confusion especially when some country's STs use the more popular H4 bulbs from the factory and don't even need any tabs cut or bent.
The ST1100 relies on all three tabs to support the bulb something like some overhead light fixtures need all three screws to keep the glass from falling. Those adapter rings aka shims provide that support in the proper orientation, after the lower H4 tabs are sorted.

The ST1300 has a rim in the headlight shells that supports the base of the bulb not the tabs. The tabs are only for orientation and keeping the 'wrong' bulb from being inserted. So only the top tab is needed.

This is a source of constant confusion especially when some country's STs use the more popular H4 bulbs from the factory and don't even need any tabs cut or bent.
ST Gui

I have just bought a 2010 ST1300 in addition to the 2000 ST 1100 that I bought new.
Maybe you can help me with a couple of questions about the 1300.
1. Can I use regular auto bulbs in my 1300 without modifying anything?
2. I can hardly read the gauges to the right of the speedometer ( the ones that show the fuel level, clock etc.) due to them being very dimly illuminated even when turned to max illumination.
They can be read at night but next to impossible to see when the sun is shining.
Do you know if this can be improved——perhaps bulbs with a higher Wattage rating?

Graham Watson
a couple of questions about the 1300.
The post above covered the bases. For the 1300 you'd cut the two bottom tabs of an H-4 the same as you would for the 1100 but you don't need the shims or adapters. The 1300's headlight assembly supports the bulb where the 1100's assembly needs the shims.

There are a few threads here by members who've had bluegauges replace the LEDs in the speedo and tach and mod the LCD panel (Temp/Miles/Clock) and are very satisfied with the results. The mod for the meters and the LCD panel are two separate procedures so if you're happy with the meters the LCD panel can be done for ~$80 last I heard.
You can use regular automotive H4's but you have to break off the 2 bottom tabs. If you are changing them, go for LED F2's.
The best way to fix the dash problem is to send the dash to blueguages.com
thanks for that info——-I’ll check blue gauges.com out.
I can’t understand how Honda got the dash lights so wrong, its very difficult to see anything to the right of the speedometer except at night.

Graham Watson
The post above covered the bases. For the 1300 you'd cut the two bottom tabs of an H-4 the same as you would for the 1100 but you don't need the shims or adapters. The 1300's headlight assembly supports the bulb where the 1100's assembly needs the shims.

There are a few threads here by members who've had bluegauges replace the LEDs in the speedo and tach and mod the LCD panel (Temp/Miles/Clock) and are very satisfied with the results. The mod for the meters and the LCD panel are two separate procedures so if you're happy with the meters the LCD panel can be done for ~$80 last I heard.
ST Gui
thanks for your help.
I’ll check them out.
Graham Watson
thanks for that info——-I’ll check blue gauges.com out.
I can’t understand how Honda got the dash lights so wrong, its very difficult to see anything to the right of the speedometer except at night.

Graham Watson

Surface mount LED's have changed a lot in around 20 years.
Surface mount LED's have changed a lot in around 20 years.
I know diddley squat about LED’s, LCD’ s etc.
What I DO know is that I am very satisfied with bulbs that I can change when they blow and my ST1100 gauges are easy to read in daylight and at night as opposed to my ST1300 LCD gauges which I can hardly read except at night.
I won’t get into an argument about how good LED’s are but as an example, in the 20 yrs I have owned my 187,000 mile ST1100, the only bulbs I have replaced are both headlight bulbs (twice) and the bulb in the clock (twice)———all other bulbs are original which I personally think is wonderful seeing that the bulbs are constantly lit when the engine is running.

Graham Watson
my ST1300 LCD gauges which I can hardly read except at night.
Not having any idea of the condition of your eyesight, I just wanted to make a suggestion based on my own experience with this same issue. The Bluegauges fix is a great improvement regardless of how good or bad anyone's eyesight is. I am just suggesting a little experimenting to see if that is money you really need to spend.

When I first got my ST1300 I had the same question about the LCD display. I asked about it in this thread- What's the deal with the digital display?
Because of that thread I was intending to send my display to Bluegauges for modification. For various reasons I never ended up doing anything about it. At the time I did not wear corrective eye glasses because I didn't need them, or so I thought. This was back in 2012. I had no difficulties reading, etc.. I was still able to see my GPS screen just fine so it never dawned on me that my eyesight could be the issue.

A few years after that I started needing cheaters to read at normal distances. A while after that I got my first pair of corrective eye glasses. Between these two types of glasses, low and behold I discovered that most of the problem with my inability to see the LCD display clearly was not the fault of the LCD display, but rather my unknown to me normally deteriorating eyesight due to age. When I have either the cheaters or the prescription glasses on, I can see the display perfectly fine even in daylight.

Later on I read that the average person needs corrective lenses, based on eye test standards, as many as five years before they actually realize it. This was the case with me. I still only need glasses for reading so to solve my problem I bought a pair of sunglasses that have the magnifier lenses in the bottom half and I can see the display just fine.

If you don't normally ride with glasses, do some experimenting just to see what the result will be.
If you wear sunglasses, prescription or not, many people have reported that polarized sunglasses make the display much harder to see. If your sunglasses are polarized, try another pair that are not.

A little experimenting might yield that the display might work well enough for you as is. This is the case for me.
If not, and none of that makes any difference, or not enough of a difference, Bluegauges will still be there.
I know diddley squat about LED’s, LCD’ s etc.
What I DO know is that I am very satisfied with bulbs that I can change when they blow and my ST1100 gauges are easy to read in daylight and at night as opposed to my ST1300 LCD gauges which I can hardly read except at night.
I won’t get into an argument about how good LED’s are but as an example, in the 20 yrs I have owned my 187,000 mile ST1100, the only bulbs I have replaced are both headlight bulbs (twice) and the bulb in the clock (twice)———all other bulbs are original which I personally think is wonderful seeing that the bulbs are constantly lit when the engine is running.

Graham Watson

I was just meaning that the LED's Honda used / designed almost 20 years ago are not near as good as todays versions. They also built these things for what they though was good, vs what really is what everyone wanted in the real world.
As for incandescent bulbs you can easily replace, I think any bulb you can replace yourself is a good thing. The surface mount LED's are not something you can do on the side of the road (or even on a bench without the proper tools.)

I never had an issue with seeing the LED display, can't help there other than check how it looks with or without glasses and looking through or not looking through a helmet face shield. Some helmet shields block UV (think clear sunglasses) and the shield is the problem.
Not having any idea of the condition of your eyesight, I just wanted to make a suggestion based on my own experience with this same issue. The Bluegauges fix is a great improvement regardless of how good or bad anyone's eyesight is. I am just suggesting a little experimenting to see if that is money you really need to spend.

When I first got my ST1300 I had the same question about the LCD display. I asked about it in this thread- What's the deal with the digital display?
Because of that thread I was intending to send my display to Bluegauges for modification. For various reasons I never ended up doing anything about it. At the time I did not wear corrective eye glasses because I didn't need them, or so I thought. This was back in 2012. I had no difficulties reading, etc.. I was still able to see my GPS screen just fine so it never dawned on me that my eyesight could be the issue.

A few years after that I started needing cheaters to read at normal distances. A while after that I got my first pair of corrective eye glasses. Between these two types of glasses, low and behold I discovered that most of the problem with my inability to see the LCD display clearly was not the fault of the LCD display, but rather my unknown to me normally deteriorating eyesight due to age. When I have either the cheaters or the prescription glasses on, I can see the display perfectly fine even in daylight.

Later on I read that the average person needs corrective lenses, based on eye test standards, as many as five years before they actually realize it. This was the case with me. I still only need glasses for reading so to solve my problem I bought a pair of sunglasses that have the magnifier lenses in the bottom half and I can see the display just fine.

If you don't normally ride with glasses, do some experimenting just to see what the result will be.
If you wear sunglasses, prescription or not, many people have reported that polarized sunglasses make the display much harder to see. If your sunglasses are polarized, try another pair that are not.

A little experimenting might yield that the display might work well enough for you as is. This is the case for me.
If not, and none of that makes any difference, or not enough of a difference, Bluegauges will still be there.
that REALLY was a good suggestion!
At the age of 73, I wont admit that my eyesight has deteriorated but I’m sure it has.
I can’t say I know what cheaters are but a few years ago, I noticed that I couldn‘t read things that were close up so I went to a Dollar store and bought some reading glasses and use them a great deal when ( typing this letter for example) and reading the paper etc.
I don’t wear glasses at any other time.
These are the only glasses I use except when riding my m/ cycle then I ALWAYS wear my sun glasses at all times.
I bought them from Aldi about 4yrs ago and have no idea if they are polarized.
I read the thread that you wrote and I have the same problem that you had!
I shall take your advice and experiment before doing any alterations to the gauges.
As an aside, I have only had my ST1300 for 2 or 3 weeks and for the previous 20 yrs have ridden my ST1100 and have no problem whatsoever reading the gauges, time etc.
I still feel that a bulb illuminating gauges is hard to beat.
Again, thanks for your great suggestions.

I can’t say I know what cheaters are but a few years ago, I noticed that I couldn‘t read things that were close up so I went to a Dollar store and bought some reading glasses and use them a great deal when ( typing this letter for example) and reading the paper etc.
Reading glasses/cheaters, the exact same thing. I often hear them referred to as cheaters, I guess because people who use them are cheating instead of getting proper corrective lenses.

It sounds very much like my situation.
The distance that the gauges are from your eyes is not that drastically different form the distance range for normal reading material. If you now need reading glasses, I would definitely suggest that you experiment with reading or corrective eye-wear a try before you consider anything else.

Even if you have Bluegauges replace the LED's and change the polarity, etc., these improvements will not solve the problem if the real problem is difficulty seeing clearly at that particular distance due to normal age related eyesight deterioration. It will only provide a brighter fussiness.

It is now eight years since I asked that question about the LCD display and I still have no problem seeing it as long as I am using the same correction as I use for reading.

Good luck with it.
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