Have you packed your blue towels?


so many roads...
Apr 6, 2008
Edmonton AB Canada
2012 ST1300A
So, April 11, picked up the '08 ST from the dealer and almost dropped it turning left as I exited their parking lot. Almost dropped it 20 minutes later making a right turn from a stop sign. Managed to prevent it from going all the way over both times. Was very happy to get it home totally upright.

Practiced slow speed maneuvers in the high school parking lot to build up my confidence. Yeah, I've got this thing figured out.

Had an OK first week of riding - cool temps -5 to +10C (23 to 50F).

Then we got dumped on with a foot of snow over 3 days. Started going away Thursday. Weekend was supposed to be warm so was looking forward to getting out.

By 10:30 AM Saturday the front street was running with water. Melting really nicely. Went out to the lane and it was still 2" thick ice in some places with softer stuff out of the shade of the trees and garages. Managed to cut out a trench the 1/2 block to the street and got out for a nice ride. Came home a few hours later and there was hardly anything left in the lane. Shoveled it to the sides so it would dry off nicely.

By now I was confident enough, and it was warm enough (15C / 59F) that I took my wife out for her first ride. Had a great couple of hours.

Today (16C / 61F) I was out for some more cruising around and ended up at my parents place. Parked perpendicular to the curb on the center stand - as always used to on the CX. When it was time to leave, down off the center stand, into first gear, turn hard left, clutch out, feet up, stall. AAAAghhhh.

I know these things are supposed to lean way over but this was ridiculous.

Oh wait, I tipped it.

Luckily it was a dead stop tipover so just scratched up the left wing but a few bigger pieces of gravel from the winter made little indents in the exhaust pipe as well. :(

Tried to right it with no luck. A neighbor came out "Nice bike" "You should see it went it is upright!" and gave me a hand. My 82 year old Dad also came out and wanted to help too. Thanks, but no.

So I come home and figure there has to be an easier way to lift this thing. Someone here has to have instructions.

Oh, there's a TOT forum.

Oh, and there is Gonzo pointing out a 5'3" lady can lift these bikes.


Nice technique.

I know what I did wrong now.

I didn't have any blue towels with me when it tipped over.
Aaaggghhh!!! It's too cold to drop bikes! Here's your TOA!

If you notice, she has other solutions on her site for preventing the tip over.


The legend of "Lawnchair Larry" springs to mind. Anyone fancy an experiment involving a low mileage STeed, some helium weather baloons and about 14,000 foot of clear airspace?
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