Heading Northeast


Still above the sod
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Jan 8, 2015
Rockville, MD, USA
Bikeless (9/29/2019)
Day -3

There's just a few days to go before I depart for the 2018 edition of NESTOC, and I'm getting excited. I've not quite reached the level of spontaneity achieved by HPPants, because I like to have a plan to serve as a framework, but it's not going to be a forced march either, or at least it's not supposed to be.

I've planned a leisurely trip, at least on the outbound leg. Saturday and Sunday nights of Memorial Day weekend will be spent camping at French Creek State Park in Pennsylvania, with a possible day ride loop on Sunday depending on the weather. On Monday I'll pull up the tent stakes and relocate to Mohawk Trail State Forest in NW Massachusetts, again to stay two nights with a possible day ride on the day between. Wednesday I have plans to meet a friend for lunch in Warren VT and then do some afternoon riding. No idea as yet where I'll spend Wednesday night. Thursday I'll head to Rutland VT and the NESTOC HQ venue for the main event. Sunday will be a longish day since I'll make the return trip all in one go; it measures out at somewhere around 465 miles with no interstate but that may change depending on how strong the pull of home gets, and how early I hit the road.

On my eclipse trip in 2017 I unknowingly passed close to several other members' home territories, and was admonished after the fact to give a heads-up the next time. So, if you live anywhere within convenient (or inconvenient) riding distance of the purple line shown here and feel like getting together, drop me a line by PM and we'll see about setting something up. You have my itinerary, and I'll be running the Bubbler GPS app while I'm en route so you should see periodic location updates as I make my way. You'll also be able to tell whether I've deviated from the planned route.

In addition to actually getting to NESTOC, I have a secondary objective of adding several states to the Visited States map in my signature block. NJ, NY, NH, CT, MA, and VT should all change from white to some other color by the time I get home, just due to my northbound plan. It's feasible but far from certain whether I'll also bag ME while I'm traveling on my own; that might be a "project ride" for Friday or Saturday if other NESTOCers are interested (or if the organizers have already planned something that gets me there).

On the way north from Maryland I'll pass through parts of the Allegheny, Pocono, Taconic, Berkshire, and Green Mountains. These are some of the prettiest places in the country- not spectacular like western scenery, but beautiful none the less. I'll enjoy riding through them, as I have previously enjoyed driving through.

My pre-packing experiment last night has led me to conclude that, while it is theoretically *possible* to do the trip without lashing my dry bag to the pillion seat it's not necessarily *desirable*. The balance tips when I add the volume of my camping gear to the collection of clothes, medical devices, and other assorted oddments which *must* make the journey with me. So, I'll most likely give in to my base desires and shift all of the camp equipment into the dry bag. That will also have a benefit, beyond simple extra space, in that more of the load will be lower on the bike and ahead of the front wheel, making for better handling.

That's it for the moment- more to come in the following days.
I live @70 miles from Rutland. There are a lot of nice routes going through the Adirondacks on your return ride. Take the ferry to Ticonderoga or the Crown point bridge. Lake Placid, Tupper Lake, Long Lake, Newcomb ect. are really nice areas to ride. June 1st the Americade is going on at Lake George so you'll see some moto traffic on your return trip.
Americade started out as a touring event it has deteriorated into something else. The event itself is a great event the vendor areas are great but some of the attendees get carried away wheelies and burn outs on main st lots of loud pipes. But this is a great area to ride. The NYSP will increase enforcement especially on MC's.
And the NY State Police take special note of MC's exceeding the limits etc. Just keep an eye out for them.

Thanks for the heads up. I generally try to ride at a pace comparable to traffic. Have heard of cases where a MC was cited for 57 in a 55 zone, on an otherwise empty stretch of road, at 5 on a Sunday morning. Ugh.

Hopefully the popos will focus on the interstate and leave the secondary roads unguarded.
Day -2

Now that I have abandoned hope of minimalism, the next question is which tent to take. I have a very small one person backpacker model, a larger and older two person, and a newer 2 person-plus with vestibules. Each has advantages and drawbacks.

The mini tent is small and light, but low and cramped with no room to keep gear. The dry bag effectively doubles as the storage shed. I would not like to have to spend all day in this tent, sheltering from bad weather.

The two person tent is okay, or was the last I checked, but I have not had it out in several years. I did not like the entry and exit design, if I recall. Also there is no footprint for it and a ground sheet either hangs out beyond the edges acting as a collector funnel for rain, or does not reach the perimeter so ground moisture seeps up from below.

The largest and newest of my tents leaks at the seams despite repeated applications of seam sealer. Given the weather forecast for the areas and days I am traveling, this is an issue of some concern. But it is roomy and the vestibules are great places to put stuff where the dew does not settle, but they are out of the living space.

Time for some consideration and mulling...
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Regarding the tents... you're on a 125HP motorcycle, who cares how big it is or how much it weighs, within reason? I pack a 4-man tent and it's great to have all that room, height and 2 vestibules, especially when you're stuck in it for a few hours during a hard rain.

Have a good trip!
Yeah I thought about a trip to REI- they're just a couple miles from me- but the newest, roomiest, most feature-rich tent is the one that leaks. Plus, I've already got too much "stuff". It's too easy to adopt the "get a new one" mentality. What I want to do is have *less* stuff, and take better *care* of it- as if it has actual value and isn't a disposable commodity.

Regarding the tents... you're on a 125HP motorcycle, who cares how big it is or how much it weighs, within reason?

LOL. And I take the point. There's just (for me at least) a certain pleasure to be found in the "less is more" mindset. It's not like I'm abandoning *all* creature comforts- the drip-cone coffee making device is still coming, for instance- but it's nice to get away from much of the impedimentia of modern American life once in a while.

Thanks for the thoughts- keep 'em coming!
Very much agreed Keith, Less is More... that's one reason we camp, right? Have a great trip to VT and I look forward to some nice pics and some of your fine writing.
Day -1

I have been IMing with the fellow I was planning to meet for lunch on Wednesday. As a result of our conversation my plan is changing, in a good way. I will abandon my MA campsite a day earlier than originally planned and head for SE NH on Tuesday. I will park my ST next to his FJR and occupy the couch in his Man Cave, then the two of us will set off Wednesday for lunch in Maine (I want to add it to my visited states map) and dinner/overnite in NH.

Thursday we head across the White Mountains to lunch in Warren VT, ride some more, then part company. He heads for home, I head for Rutland.

And the weather forecast looks spectacular. This is gonna be GREAT!!!!
Just looked at your route Keith. Looks like you'll be going through some of my old stomping grounds... Perkasie, PA and on through Frenchtown and Clinton, NJ. I've been back in TX for 10 years now but I've got in-laws in that area if you need anything.
Northern Vt is one of my favorite places to ride. Rte 17 Mad river Glenn, rte 125 Bread Loaf mnt. Rte 73 Brandon gap. Bethel mnt Road.....
Day 1, 0254

Allergies woke me an hour ago, so after getting up to dose myself with my allergy relief medication of choice I went through the process of transferring the camping gear from the top box and one side case liner, to the dry bag. The mini tent went back on the shelf, and my large tent went in its place. I know you were all secretly dying for that information.

I also tossed in a 4x6 plastic tarp to drape over the tent fly, which should do the job of keeping rain out of places I care about.

So now, apart from lugging everything out to the bike, I think I am ready to roll once the morning activities are attended to.

I PMed another forum member from NH, who lives right along my route, to see if he was available for a get together, and it looks good for meeting up. Just gotta iron out the details. Yay!
Just looked at your route Keith. Looks like you'll be going through some of my old stomping grounds... Perkasie, PA and on through Frenchtown and Clinton, NJ. I've been back in TX for 10 years now but I've got in-laws in that area if you need anything.

Thanks Paul. Nice to know there are fallbacks for emergencies.
Northern Vt is one of my favorite places to ride. Rte 17 Mad river Glenn, rte 125 Bread Loaf mnt. Rte 73 Brandon gap. Bethel mnt Road.....

Thanks Doc. In VT my plan is to let the other guys pick the routes and then follow them blindly. :) That way they have to be the ones paying attention and I can just troll along soaking in the pretty scenery.
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