Headlights don't always turn on - power issue?

Feb 11, 2022
New Zealand
Hi everyone, long time lurker, but first time poster.
I had added a few farkles to my 2005 ST1300 over the years. One of these is LED headlights, with built-in cooling fan. On the last few rides there have been intermittent issues with the headlights not working, at all. I switch the ignition on, and I can hear the fans kick in. Then when I start the engine, the lights switch off after a few seconds. On my last outing, I found that if the bike was running, and I gave a very slight tap on the starter button then the lights would come on.
Seems that there's an issue with power? I also have a set of Denali D4 spots, a hard-wired GPS mount, and a heated jacket output. The heated jacket output I have only recently added, and the problem was there prior to those being added.
Any ideas on where I should look to solve the problem? I'm OK at adding accessories, but not good at trouble-shooting. Hope there's someone here who can tell me why the starter button would kick the lights into action. Is that perhaps where the problem lies?
Looking forward to your help or suggestions.
Alan (New Zealand)
The starter button disconnects the headlights to remove a significant load from the battery while the starter motor is running.

What is the total power consumption of light and fan. I wonder if you have overloaded the switch and the contacts have been damaged.
when the starter is pressed the lights turn off until the starter is released. you have a sticky starter switch! :eek: I would first spray with electrical contact cleaner. if that doesn't work, disassemble, clean and inspect, carefully! :biggrin:
I would try plastic safe electrical contact cleaner in the starter pod. This is a known issue in bikes that have seen a lot of time in service and probably the easiest place to start. It may very well fix the issue. I very that as a temporary fix. Whether it does or not I'd take the pod apart as soon as possible after spraying and thoroughly clean and lightly lube the moving parts.
Apologies for my late response. Thanks heaps. I'm too scared to take the starter switch pod apart so I'll get my mechanic to look at it when it's in for a service next week.
There is nothing to fear, simply remove two JIS screws, and lift the upper cover up enough to spray inside.
Just make sure when you, or your mechanic try to close it again, that you fit the locating pin in the hole in the lower housing correctly or you will break the housing.
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