Helmets Helmet chin strap on neck

Aug 22, 2023
North Florda
I am in the process of buying a new bike and picked out a helmet and gloves last week. I have a full face helmet, something I have never had before. The chin strap seems to be to low on my throat area and not directly under my chin like I am used to. Is this normal for a full face helmet? Dealer does not want to allow an exchange or refund. Any suggestions to improve fit? Helmet is from BILT. Thanks
I've only worn full-face or modular helmets, except when coaching BRC classes.on a range, and maybe my neck is different. But I doubt it's 'that' different.
Could be as you say, it just feels different to you. Have you ever tried other brands of helmet?
Maybe other manufacturers' offerings will be to your liking.
There seem to be few standards in helmets. I went from a Schuberth C3, which had an easy to use release to open the modular helmet to a Shoei Neotec 2. The Shoei's release button is on the outside front of the helmet and seems awkward to me after the Schuberths release on the bottom edge. To open this, I simply grabbed the lower center of the helmet and lifted. The Shoei reqires I press in and down while lifting.

I too suggest you try different brands.
There seem to be few standards in helmets. I went from a Schuberth C3, which had an easy to use release to open the modular helmet to a Shoei Neotec 2. The Shoei's release button is on the outside front of the helmet and seems awkward to me after the Schuberths release on the bottom edge. To open this, I simply grabbed the lower center of the helmet and lifted. The Shoei reqires I press in and down while lifting.
But it's still essentially the same; thumb and forefinger, maybe a little different feel.
The thing that I had to get used to with the Neotec 2 was the ratchet / quick release. I've always had the usual d-rings.
Comes back to what we get used to.
I might be reading this wrong but it sounds like previous helmets you have used had an actual CHIN strap....like cops and football players....if that [s the case the fullface helmets all use under the jaw strap
Hmmm... I didn't even think of that.
It's a possibility, as we don't have pics of the previous helmets.
It sounds like an issue with how the helmet fits you. Cycle Gear has a clear return policy. If the helmet meets the requirements and Cycle Gear won’t honor the policy I’d go higher up the chain with CG.

The cheek pads made a big difference in how the chin strap lays on my HJC helmet. Can you buy different cheek pads for the BILT?
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