Hiccup Leaving the Driveway

Sep 1, 2010
Santa Clara, Ca
2007 ST1300
Headed out of the driveway like I normally do every day. Slowed way down to take the bump going out. The ST hiccuped and bumped to a stop just as I entered the pavement and down she went. It's amazing how well balanced they are under power and how they tumble from the sky when they flop to a stop. She wasn't that hard to pick back up but my hip has been complaining ever since.

Thanks to all for the tip for backing the bike up on the side stand rather than the bend over and get a hernia approach.

And thank goodness for Bygdawg tip over bars.

Sorry to hear. I was there a couple of weeks ago so brush the dirt off and life go's on. I heard someone say once. there are 3 types of motorcycle riders, The ones that are going to drop a bike, The ones that have, and the ones that will lie and say they won't. Have a great weekend.
Thanks I will. Off to Portland on Tuesday for my first really long (not iron butt) trip.

Sorry to hear. I was there a couple of weeks ago so brush the dirt off and life go's on. I heard someone say once. there are 3 types of motorcycle riders, The ones that are going to drop a bike, The ones that have, and the ones that will lie and say they won't. Have a great weekend.
Yea when they start to tip over there,s no holding them,I know!!

I did once when it stall at low speed bad section of the road, it wasnt fun, and max effort was applied by me. Have to inform that i have extraordinary long legs though.
Yesterday wasn't a good day for tip overs as I had my first one in the drug store parking lot (^%^*$#@ piece of plastic on the ground). Glad that there was no damage to the bike, and those tip over bars are sounding like a good investment...

Took my ST out of the garage. put the side stand down, must have been on a pebble or rock and as I closed the garage door I could see the dreaded reflection of the bike moving. too late bike over. Exhaust , mirror shroud, lower panniier, lower cowl all damaged. Thank god 4 ebBay. No one 2 blame but me - but still a bit of a pisser!!!!!!!!
Thanks to all for the tip for backing the bike up on the side stand rather than the bend over and get a hernia approach.

Does this technique work if bike fell on its left side??(on the side stand side). Methinks the idea is, if bike fell on its right side, the side stand is deployed before lifting bike, so that it doesn't tip the opposite side when brought upright with nobody holding it.
Does this technique work if bike fell on its left side??(on the side stand side). Methinks the idea is, if bike fell on its right side, the side stand is deployed before lifting bike, so that it doesn't tip the opposite side when brought upright with nobody holding it.

If you tip it on the other side you can lift as described as well. Once it is up you are standing on the side stand side so you can deploy the stand easily
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