Honda Tour Box

Dave Austin

Silver Bullet
Nov 13, 2005
S.E. Georgia
Probably yesterdays newspaper for many on this board, but here goes.

The Pan European Top Box for the 03 ST/abs arrived last night from CBXman in perfect shape. I have to admit I was concerned about possible damage with the holiday shipping etc.

Anyway, I read the directions twice and completed the install in approx 30 mins. All went well. I added a little dab or two of silicone to each of the (6) black caps which cover the mounting screws. I did not have a great feeling about how they easily slid into place. They just look like a part that could work their way out at some point. Can't imagine where I would find a replacement. Givi maybe? I think I read somewhere that Givi is the manufacturer of this tour box, not sure. I stand corrected if not.

After the install and an ice cold beverage, I took a good long look at the ST. I have to say it really adds alot to the to the overall lean long haul tour look and design of the bike. I really like it.:D It will be interesting to see if there is any noticeable handling difference in the bike. I am thinking not. I see a rear brake light spoiler in the near future.

Dave :03biker:
Givi does make it. I'm sure you'll be able to get them from them.

Top Box

I installed my Pan-Euro Top Box a couple of weeks ago. I've been very happy with it. I've taken the bike up to over 80 mph with no problem. I will say that it does catch a bit more side wind if the wind is fairly strong or gusty. The effect is negligible and isn't anything that you wouldn't anticipate, in other words, no surprises. I rode to the dealership with it this morning and everyone that works there went nuts over it. The Gen. Mgr. was bummed that Honda wouldn't import them into the U.S. My wife has promised me the spoiler for Fathers Day.

Crank up the preload for the topbox... it helps the handling. The spoiler/brake light does grab attention when braking... ask my NASASToc buddies ;) Wind does grab it... head wind and cross wind. I think the spoiler makes it look muy cool! :D
The little black plastic caps can work their way out with the right circumstances and without the box on. Don't ask me how I know.

The caps are available. I just don't recall off hand if I got them from or They brought them in at my request and were going to stock them. I'll try to look it up and repost.

The little dab of silicone doesn't show and does the trick.

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