Honda VFR 1200 industrial plant assembly line


Greek Guy
Mar 4, 2009
Greece, Athens
ST1300A 2008
It is interesting that the Japanese, the best process people in the world, are biased with speed and efficiency. OTOH, the BMW K1600 assembly line is not quite as inclined as posted in another thread.
STill trying to see where it is the big $$ stuff is.... Maybe Ma Honda is trying to pay for the fancy new plant in as few years as possible, but I say the MSRP for the VFR is TFH (Too Freakin' High!) DTC version with bags @$20K! PASS!!
Nifty. It doesn't make the VFR look better to me, but, nifty.
I don't know if I would like to own one, but I really like to learn how stuff is constructed so the video was way cool in my book! I think I could spend a day there just watching!
I like the video!! thanks. I like the VFR. I would love to have one, but will need to wait until I can find a used one in my price range... Maybe 6-10 years!!!!

Here's a older one.


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