How do they build the BMW S1000RR?


- - - Tetelestai - - - R.I.P. - 2022/05/26
Rest In Peace
Jun 4, 2013
Celina, TX
'97/'01 ST1100 ABSII
Ran across this really interesting documentary on the Double R build. Note the way the connecting rod end cap is created around the 25 minute mark. This was new to me, as were many other things. Quite the fascinating build process.

Merry Christmas all!

Thanks for sharing Paul. That was something to watch. I think you need one to commute on. I need to ride the 1000XR. I’m too old and broke down to ride the RR.
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Note the way the connecting rod end cap is created around the 25 minute mark. This was new to me, as were many other things.

That's called "fracture splitting", if I remember correctly. It's fairly common now in high-performance engines, as it allows much finer dimension control than casting and machining separate pieces.

Amazing the technology that's available in off-the-floor superbikes these days. Makes the factory-only parts of just 20 years ago look like pedestrian fare.
...... common now in high-performance engines, as it allows much finer dimension control than casting and machining separate pieces........./QUOTE].

Didn't know this type of connecting rod existed. Great video, love watching product manufacturing / process videos. Big fan of "How's it Made" too.
I really enjoy mine on the race track. I'm likely one of the few that would say this but its a terrible street bike. Not too comfortable and has so much power you can really enjoy it on the street. Mine will be track only next season. I use my Street Triple R for street duty and may be "inheriting" a C14 next season.
The Street Triple is one amazing bike! I wish Triumph would put out one like a Yamaha Tracer GT. That would be in my garage.
Thanks for the video - I am an automotive engineer and I have been in plenty of car assembly plants. They are similar.
Never have been at a motorcycle plant. I quite enjoyed the video for all the processes going on...
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