I joined the other day, arrgghhh

Jul 19, 2013
Chatham, Ontario, Canada
2003 ST1300A
I was out for a late season ride and enjoying the sunny day. It seems the sun goes down earlier this time of year, so I came home before dinner. I managed to fish the garage door opener out of the right fairing pocket on the way into the cul de sac. From experience I know that the door won't open fully if I drive right up, so I usually do a loop on the road to burn some time.

For some reason I had managed to transfer the door opener to my left hand (I guess so the transmitter would be closer to the door-I'm sure the radio waves appreciated the shorter trip) and was reaching across, and under the right hand grip to try and put the opener away, as I was making a loop to the right and slowing and getting closer to the curb. About the only thing I wasn't doing was texting on my phone. So being so close to the curb apparently I thought I needed to stop my already low speed turn to avoid the forthcoming spill when I hit the curb (mind you I was in a near full lock right turn at this time) and surprisingly (not really) these babies get very heavy on your right leg as it rockets to the ground as you think, I'm strong I can save this-No, silly boy, no you can't. Not heeled over, one handed, and already leaning toward the lovely soft pavement.

Well at least you can slow it down a little as you "set" it, ever so gently, onto it's right tip over wing as you curse yourself for being stupid. The best part is you get so angry that you tell your neighbor, who has clearly witnessed it from his house and comes out to offer help, that you don't need any help.

Then being angry and embarrassed you quickly pick up said baby (now seems like a small rhino, being grey and all) and wrestle her onto her wheels again. Then you remember that you should have gone around and put down the kick stand so you can re-acquire the seat, and quickly disappear into the now gaping maw of the garage.

So you pretend you know yoga, and wish you were just a few inches taller, as you reach down the side and flip the kickstand out with your left hand, whilst leaning over the seat, and holding on for dear life to the right grip and brake and hoping not to overbalance (as you will need the neighbors help for that one) and land on your head.

Needless to say I'll be buying a new right side tip over cover. No other damage (except my ego).

Be careful, those low speed, wrong way turns, on an empty road will get you every time, especially when you stupidly try to do too many things all at once for the sake of not putting your feet down for three seconds prior to entering the garage.

Go fast and take chances.

Mike Doh
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Welcome Mike. Pride heal quicker than most things. Only to catch us later when our neighbors reminds us of our failures of the past. And we keep a count of the tip overs here just to keep us humble.
Welcome to that club that so many here are part of! They too couldn't keep it up! :eek:4:
Welcome! Fortunately the tip over guard is really effective and cheap. When you replace it, go ahead and bend the little tab that the screw goes into back a bit, it shifts when in "use".
Now lets hope the neighbor caught all of this on video. I would just sand off the tip over cover that has road rash on it and call it good.
I would just sand off the tip over cover that has road rash on it and call it good.

This is also good insurance that it might not happen again. Once you put a new one, they seem to want to get used. Once used they are happy. Do not look at my left one, it is used also. Can not see it from the saddle, so it looks new.
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