I took my ST13 to a track session and used Avon Storms...


Chowdah Ridah
May 13, 2006
Mississauga, Ontario
I had the ST1300 out and was lapping with that today. I was at roughly 8-8.5 / 10 of my own personal riding limits but I can now honestly say I know where the limits of the ST1300 are. They are roughly at 8-8.5 of my own limits. I had 1.5 butt cheeks off the seat, hanging off like a mofo, AND my foot was still dragging thru the corner. I also bubbled / boogered up the tires, not ONLY the rear tire but the front tire as well... I can't think when I've ever bubbled a front tire before on a bike I owned (other then on a track bike) I've bubbled rear before easily but not front. I was also I believe at the limits of adhesion as well for a sport touring tire, they were getting kind of greasy towards the limit, I felt that if I were to push any further the tire would have let go...I got the rear to dance... All in all I for a 'sport tour' tire they handled very well, the front was kind of square to begin with it was used for roughly 12k and had a nice flat spot on it, the rear is new about 2k on it.

Front tire was bubbling...

haha full lean right to the edges...I was wearing the word "Storm" on the front tire, I've only ever worn out the rear before...

rear is right to the edge as well, weeee...
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What pressure were you using and what was the ambient temperature?

+1 on the STorms being fun at the track!
i ran 42 / 42 front and rear , I did not change any tire pressures from recommended by Honda for street riding

oh, I should clarify those mileages I quoted were KM not miles, 12K KM runs about 8k miles converted...

yesterday's ambient temp was about 27-29c, full sunshine barely a cloud in the sky...
I wondered when I saw the banding of the wear. For those temps I usually run about 34/34 for pressures on track days and sometimes as low as 32/32 depending on how the tires feel at the end of each session. On hot days (above 35C) I'll usually start at 36/36 and see how they feel after the first session. If they're greasy, I'll air down a little more but if they're really bubbling (beyond the sueding stage that it looks like you got) I'll air up a little.

Lower pressures would have definitely improved the traction with less of the loose feel in the rear.
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I ran 28/30 cold on a set of Z6's on my track day. At least that is what I remember. Stuck like glue.
wow you guys are running alot less pressures then I was ... I checked my pressures last night when I got home, I had 41/41, so I guess that's what I was running on the track on Sat... Next time I head out I'm going to take the side cases off, or at least empty them, I ran with them half full of stuff, I think I might have to bump up the preload a bit more as well, I was about 5 turns more then stock ... what do you guys normally run at for the rear preload?
Track staff required panniers, top cases, mirrors, etc. to be removed and advised us on tire pressures. If I recall correctly I dialed in preload to the Hard or first mark position and rebound 1/2 or 3/4 turn out from full hard. In retrospect I had probably too much preload with my weight there would not have been enough sag.
yeah they didn't require us to take that off, I had the top case on but I removed that because it was really full of junk and weighed a ton ... hmm... remidns me I need to change fork oil, when do you do yours ? I've never done mine, its 2 years old and 80k (km ~ so about 50-55k miles) i didn't 'feel' any problems with the front end, it tracked smoothly and I was able to stick to the butts of the Gixxer in front of me ...
I changed fork oil at 35,000 miles using Honda Fork oil, SS-8 I believe, which is 10 wt.
All the tracks I've run at have only made folks tape the glass (and some haven't even done that for us "tame" sport tourers - heh, heh, heh).

I usually run with the panniers but not the top box.

Usual rule of thumb for track tire pressures is to start about 4 pounds less than manufacturer recommended then feel the tires as soon as you get in from the first session. If they're slightly warm, lower a couple of pounds and then check them again after the next session. They should be quite warm without being burning hot. Depending on the ambient temps and the track performance demands you could be anywhere from 4 to 12 pounds lower than street riding recommendations. More than about 12 pounds lower and I'd be concerned with too much sidewall flex (given the weight of the ST).

You can get away with having your preload set fairly high b/c the track surface is usually free from bumps and dips so more preload gives you a bit more ground clearance. HOWEVER, if any of the turns are designed off camber, you'll definitely want more sag to allow the suspension to extend enough to keep the tire in contact with the pavement!
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